Anyone tried Alli?

I wondered if anyone has tried Alli. If you have, did you have any luck with it? Are the side effects as bad as I've heard?


  • soxfanfl
    I wondered if anyone has tried Alli. If you have, did you have any luck with it? Are the side effects as bad as I've heard?
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    AH the Ali question, Comes around about every week or so.
    Here is what I have heard and what I know and I am sure that others will back me on this.
    ME: No I have not tried it, but my best and oldest friend did, Well is.
    Yes she is loseing a little weight, but most of it I fear is water weight. She can not eat too much for fear that she will not be able to get out of the bathroom. WHICH I guess is a good thing :noway:
    What else I have heard is that if you eat health you do not have that bathroom run problem. But if you are eating right, WHY would you need ALI in the first place.
    She did not ever say that she got cramps or anything like that. Like one would if they where on laxitives. Which is good. I work with Doctors and they are on both sides of the fence on this one.
    SO I guess it is Buyer beware and use as YOU see fit! Try it on a Saturday when you do not have to BE anywhere. DO NOT DO WHAT MY FRIEND DID and buy it at Walmart at lunch and take it in your car on the way back to the office. :blushing: I am sure she will laugh about it someday. :laugh:
  • CamCam
    CamCam Posts: 43
    I tried it once and it did nothing for me at all. waste of money for me
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    Never tried it, but I'm assuming a woman at my gym did. She had what is referred to as an " Alli Opps" right in front of me...with orange-ish grossness running down the back of her legs. It was a mess.
  • usagijunjou
    Aside from Alli, what about slimquick? Its a mulitvitamin thing, and maybe it couldn't hurt?

    I dunno, let me know what you think.

  • madiposa
    OK I have been asking that question for a while.I do know someone who was on it and she lost 30pounds and the same time I was on phentermine doctor thought that would help me,well my body doesnt respond to the phentermine anymore and i only lost 15 pounds we were both on our diets for four months.Now im thinking i should really try Alli yes its all about eatiing healthy and if you dnt stay in the fat range you will run to the restroom! If you are anything like me i stress eat a lot and i guess alli helps you be more faithful to your diet So that is what I NEED!YES im very scared but if i want to be serious i need to do something.GOOD LUCK TO U!:happy: TRY That will give you an idea!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Never tried it, but I'm assuming a woman at my gym did. She had what is referred to as an " Alli Opps" right in front of me...with orange-ish grossness running down the back of her legs. It was a mess.


    :sick: ewwwwwwwwww.....

    Fat doesn't make you fat. Overeating makes you fat. You need to control the refined sugars and simple carbohydrates you take in, more than the fat. Alli doesn't just force out the trans fat; it forces out any type, including the healthy 3-6-9's! Why in the world would you want to take a pill that allows you to scarf down table sugar but make you uncontrollably poop out a fillet of salmon??
  • Erica92627
    I'm toooooooooooooooooo scared to try it. For the reasons stated here, the "mess" I don't want to have to deal with that. I rather try other diet pills before trying something I know what would likely happen. LOL JK I don't want to do diet pills at all. I want to see how far I can go trying it the right way. :smile:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    :grumble: :angry: :mad: :explode: :huh:
  • maryschmidt
    Been there, done that when it was prescription. Yep, the side effects are as bad as they say.