my stomach getting bigger????

I just started a small streak of working out. I have worked out five days a week for 2 weeks now, but my stomach seems to be bigger!! WHY!!?? This is really bringing me down and it is discouraging which is detrimental to me staying the course. I want to continue but I need some kind of progress to motivate me. I run/walk on the treadmill every other night with Weds and Fri off. On the opposite nights I do some sort of dumbell workout for strength training. Any ideas? I am not expecting miracles or anything, but I thought by the end of 2 weeks I would be able to see some sort of change for the better.


  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    I just started a small streak of working out. I have worked out five days a week for 2 weeks now, but my stomach seems to be bigger!! WHY!!?? This is really bringing me down and it is discouraging which is detrimental to me staying the course. I want to continue but I need some kind of progress to motivate me. I run/walk on the treadmill every other night with Weds and Fri off. On the opposite nights I do some sort of dumbell workout for strength training. Any ideas? I am not expecting miracles or anything, but I thought by the end of 2 weeks I would be able to see some sort of change for the better.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    are you doing any strength training? sometimes it pumps up the muscles underneath the fat, making you feel a bit bigger. Other than that I'm not sure. Maybe bloating?
  • Browneyes242
    I have been doing this for about the same time as you and I am not seeing to much for results either but I am trying to do the exercising everyday too. The one thing that I can say is that muscle weighs more than fat and if you are not seeing result by the weighing of yourself on a scale. It might be a good idea to take your measurements because you will see the results that way. Drink tons of water but keep in mind too that the body retains water too and it adds up.

    I hope this helps and I am sure that you will see results but you really have to commit and give it time for you body to kick in.

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Is your stomach really getting bigger? Did you measure before you started this regime? Have you measured other places to see if there are changes? Have you lost or gained weight?

    2 weeks doesn't seem like a lot of time to see much change, and the less you have to lose the longer it will take.

    It's recommended you only do the measuring once a month, so 2 weeks is not enough time to see significant change, especially with your size.

    If you've started drinking a lot of water and you didn't use to, it will take a while for your body to adjust to being hydrated and it will hold onto that water for awhile until it adjusts. If you haven't been drinking enough water, start. It's also possible what foods you are eating are making you retain water because of sodium, etc.
  • Browneyes242
    I should have added that you are going to see inches fall off too!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    are you bloated?


    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat- they weigh the same- a pound is a pound- its just a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat
  • Browneyes242
    Excuse me ! The statement of Fat weighs more than muscle is a statement that boyfriend likes to use.

    As you can see, the 5 lbs. of fat is much bulkier than the 5 lbs. of muscle, but five pounds is still five pounds. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. ...

    I appreciate you pointing this out!
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    I bet the "bigger" stomach is either cyclical bloating or some change in your diet.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    did you up your fiber? It could be gas too --
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    I run/walk on the treadmill every other night with Weds and Fri off. On the opposite nights I do some sort of dumbell workout for strength training.

    How long are your treadmill workouts? Are you wearing a HRM to see how many calories you burn? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the intensity of these workouts?

    "Some sort of dumbell workout" is very vague... can you describe the exercises you do and for how long and what intensity?

    What I'm getting at, is you have very little weight to lose. Because of this, your body is going to fight you to hold onto it. You have to "shock" your body with some really intense training to lose those last few pounds. If you're not getting out of breath during your treadmill workouts or getting sore after your dumbbell routine, you might not be working hard enough to see dramatic results in the time frame you desire. You should look at some intense interval training and circuit training to jump start that weight loss.

    As far as your belly getting bigger... well, what else is going on? Are you gassy? Do you feel bloated? How are you judging the size of your belly? With a tape measure or how your pants fit? If you can be more descriptive, we might be able to offer better advice.