Lower heart rate and more time, or higher heart rate and les

I was talking to my friend the other day about the "weight loss" option on a lot of exercise machines. You know those ones that basically give you an interval program to your work out. The other day, I tried it, and I found that it really wasn't getting my heart rate up very much... which I don't really like. When I work out, I want to work *hard*, yet I feel compelled to do that program because it claims to be the "weight loss" program. Mind you, I have trained physically for competitive sports in the recent past, so I am still fairly cardiovascularly fit. If I up the anti and work out for the same amount of time, will it still be considered a "weight loss" program, or will it wander it "cardiovascular" and "fitness" program realm?

I have muscle underneath a layer of blubber (hehe), so is it better to go with option 1: lower heart rate but strict to the "weight loss" program, or option 2: higher heart rate, but technically not the "weight loss" program anymore?