Juicy turkey secret

skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
So we all know how we go to cook a turkey, and usually it ends up dry, and forget the breast being juicy NO NO NO! Well, my dad taught me this simple trick that he picked up off of a radio station from some guy that called in about how HE cooked his turkey, and let's just say...my own GRANDMA who is 67 years old, said she has never ever had a turkey that tasted so good in her life.

I was so proud, and thankful that I learned this tip for turkey! My turkey came out so tender it was unbelievable! We didn't even have to use a knife to cut the breast!
Here's the secret!

Take a 5 gallon bucket with a lid (or any other big container that'll fit a turkey.
For a 18-20lb turkey pour in 2 cups of salt, and 2 cups of sugar.
For a 10-12lb turkey pour in 1 cup of salt, and 1 cup of sugar.
Add enough water to cover the top of the turkey and stir to make sure it all get's mixed well then put in your turkey.
Put the lid on top, and soak overnight.
The next day, right before you cook your turkey, drain (do not rinse) the turkey then rub with desired seasonings.
Cook as desired!

I cooked a 20lb turkey on a Weber grill for 5 hours, basting my turkey every 30 minutes or so.
I almost fell dead after I tasted it for the first time.

I literally felt like I was truely tasting turkey for the first time ever in my whole life.

I encourage everyone to try it just once (WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?) and let me know how you like it!
And if you like it, be sure to pass on the secret to YOUR loved ones as well!
