Eating 1200 calories, exercising but not loosing weight!

Please help, I am sticking to the 1200 calories per day, I am going to the gym at least once a day, some days i do several classes, but I am not loosing weight - what is wrong with me?????


  • Tamusha89
    Tamusha89 Posts: 6 Member
    I was stuck like that for a week or so, and just today i went on the scale and 0.8 KG were gone,
    you have to be patient and don't give up,our bodies need time to adjust to changes.

    Good luck honey - you will see the change soon!
  • Are you eating only 1200 calories and then exercising on top of it? You don't ever eat back the calories you've earned from exercising? If that's the case, then I would assume that you've slowed your metabolism down by creating too great of a calorie deficit. From reading around the forums, the "cure" is to eat more. If your goal is to eat 1200 calories, but you burn off 300 during exercise, then you should actually eat 1500 that day. (Which would leave your "net" calories still at the 1200 limit.)
  • I've looked at a few days, and you're not eating nearly enough. If 1200 is what MFP has set for you, then you need to eat that PLUS your exercise calories.

    Stick to what MFP has set for you. If you don't eat enough, your body will use muscle for fuel rather than fat. Also, don't forget to lift weights to build muscle tone xx
  • hi is it possible you are gaining muscle and losing inches rather than weight. sometimes measurements are a good way to gauge how well you are doing... i am the same as you eating 1400 calories and lost nothing this week. You could also try raising your calories to 1400 and eating regularly...something every 3hours or so to keep your metabolism working for you. Finally make sure you eat something as soon as you get up as it kick starts your metabolism :O)
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Eat more.
  • clisat1004
    clisat1004 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you everyone, it feels wrong to eat more to lose weight, but I will give it a shot - I'll try anything to lose the weight.
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Eat more.

    Exactly. You are not fuelling your body nearly enough for all that exercise.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've looked at a few days, and you're not eating nearly enough. If 1200 is what MFP has set for you, then you need to eat that PLUS your exercise calories.

    Stick to what MFP has set for you. If you don't eat enough, your body will use muscle for fuel rather than fat. Also, don't forget to lift weights to build muscle tone xx

    This. on one day you ate 625 cals, and burnt 400 doing exercise... this is NOT healthy and wont help you lose weight in the long run. please try and eat more.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    Your body is currently in starvation mode, eat more
  • Just to reinforce a concept that you may or may not believe. Eat more or your body will shut down. As a rule of thumb your calorie deficit should be no more than (BMR + calories burned through activity) * 0.2... i.e. 20% of your total calories burned. A deficit higher than that slows your metabolism so becomes counter productive.

    On the other hand, your body can't NOT lose weight if you're putting it under those conditions so i suspect that you actually have lost weight but you're holding water. You may be holding water because your muscles are trying to repair or because you're eating more sodium than usual, I'd imagine that it's your muscles though because you talk about the gym this week. Eat more, especially protein
  • don't skip meals, eat something in between your main meals as well like celery with natural peanut butter or an apple or even a meal replacement. Keep your metabolism going going going! and i should be looking in the mirror when i say this but its not gonna happen over night, ive had some discouraging days too but itll happen and just remember youre not only losing the weight youre on your way to a healthier you! XO

    add me if you want,
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    Looks like you're not eating enough..
  • bgillis7
    bgillis7 Posts: 124
    its fine keep going.
    im at the same point
    but when you compian healthy food with exercise and the right amount of food
    your burning fat, but you are most likly gaining muscles:) witch should be a very good thing:) and muscle wights more then fat
  • clisat1004
    clisat1004 Posts: 13 Member
    My gym routine is
    Monday Circuits at 6.15am, then spin after work then a swim
    Tuesday - I try and do spin after work but dont always get there due to work
    Wednesday Circuits at 6.15am, then zumba after work then a swim
    Thursday - I try and do Boxfit after work but dont always get there due to work
    Friday - Spin at 6.15am
    Saturday - Zumba followed by Boxfit
    Sunday - Body Pump and fitball in the morning then LBT at teatime.

    I never go over 1200 calories.
  • its fine keep going.
    im at the same point
    but when you compian healthy food with exercise and the right amount of food
    your burning fat, but you are most likly gaining muscles:) witch should be a very good thing:) and muscle wights more then fat

    Muscle is denser but it's harder for women to gain especially on a calorie deficit. For a man on a proper routine and diet you can only expect around 24lbs a year which is 2lbs a month... ish. Top thing to remember is that muscles hold onto water when they need to repair, that is often the cause of weight gain when people start a new routine, also the cause of most drop outs. It's definately not an issue and will dissipate naturally over the next week or two
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    Are you eating only 1200 calories and then exercising on top of it? You don't ever eat back the calories you've earned from exercising? If that's the case, then I would assume that you've slowed your metabolism down by creating too great of a calorie deficit. From reading around the forums, the "cure" is to eat more. If your goal is to eat 1200 calories, but you burn off 300 during exercise, then you should actually eat 1500 that day. (Which would leave your "net" calories still at the 1200 limit.)

    This exactly. Happened to me before and I tried to eat more and it was then when I stop loosing weight
  • clisat1004
    clisat1004 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    its fine keep going.
    im at the same point
    but when you compian healthy food with exercise and the right amount of food
    your burning fat, but you are most likly gaining muscles:) witch should be a very good thing:) and muscle wights more then fat

    you obviously havent looked at her diary... please dont encourage people to under eat.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    its fine keep going.
    im at the same point
    but when you compian healthy food with exercise and the right amount of food
    your burning fat, but you are most likly gaining muscles:) witch should be a very good thing:) and muscle wights more then fat

    You can't gain muscle on a deficit, especially not that large of a deficit. Definitely eat more.