Aussie Bloke looking to loose a few kegs

Hey All,

I'm a 28year old bloke from Newcastle, Australia. I've always had a problem with my weight. I'm up and down then up again some more. My school photos show it nicely. When I active I was a normal weight. When I stopped being active and started catching the bus to school, I got big. And nothing has changed. Now when I stop going to gym and stopped watching what I eat, the next thing I know I've gone up a few clothes sizes.

Knowing why it happens though, doesn't stop me from letting it happen. I like the odd beer or two, I like fast food, I'd rather stay and watch tv than to go and sweat my ring off at the gym. Consequently, my weight is up again. Not quite my personal best, but pretty damn close. So its time to get back on the wagon. I lost a lot of weight back in 2000 by counting calories and I'm hoping to do it again. I'm had enough of feeling self conscious about how I look, shopping for clothes by size rather than what I would like to wear, and having to check the play equipment at the park for maximum loads before playing with my kids!

So wish me luck!


  • Roblyssa
    Roblyssa Posts: 125
    Good luck, I'm form Brissy - there is an Aussie Aussie Aussie group on here too you should check out.

    I love MFP!! I hope you have much success!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Hey mate you are in the right place! Here you gain support and it helps to keep yo focused on the prize :)