Row the world 2...starts 1st Feb

LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
Ok the game is back on and here we go !!!

For those new to my games, here is the general idea.

You need a team of 6 people, one of which will be the team captain and will track his / her team.

The team captain will gather the cals that their team has burnt during workouts (does not matter how.... just burn them!!) and the captain will multiply their team tolal by 0.25.......... this will give you the number of miles your boat has moved !

this then gets PMed to me and I update your boats location on a google map........

this one in fact!!!,-129.506836&spn=23.632379,39.506836

I some times throw in the odd Double day etc so keep an eye out !!!

Some of these games went down well last year so I hope it helps people to keep focus !

This game starts the 1st FEB

So if you want in...... PM me details of your team (team members, Team name and logo if you make one)

if you are new and not sure just post on here that you are looking to join a team on this tread and I'm sure some one will pick you up !!!

captains or people wanting in, it handy if you FR me so you see updates etc !
