Diet pills

So I know that some people have had success with diet pills and some people have had really bad luck with them.

For the people that have had success what was it that you took and for the people who didn't what did you try taking.

Also I completely understand that the only real way to lose weight is by eating health and exercising, Tho sometimes I don't think that's enough for some people.


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    Also I completely understand that the only real way to lose weight is by eating health and exercising, Tho sometimes I don't think that's enough for some people.

    have you actually tried the above or are you looking for a faster way to lose weight? almost all diet pills are caffeine. so...either drink more coffee or tea and save your money. good luck
  • Jeckia
    Jeckia Posts: 77 Member
    I did weight watchers for a long time and that worked for me, plus I'd try and walk at least 2 miles once or twice a week.

    I just see people talk about diet pills and swear by them and others say its a load of crap.

    I just wanted to see what others say from a site i trust! :)
  • knighttrain74
    knighttrain74 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm getting ready to try Oxy Elite Pro by USP Labs. I've heard great things about it and USP Labs usually puts out great products. Friends of mine of tried different ones with mixed results. I'm going to take them along with my diet and excerise routine to see if I can get better results, but I'll keep you guys posted if it helps or not.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I did weight watchers for a long time and that worked for me, plus I'd try and walk at least 2 miles once or twice a week.

    I just see people talk about diet pills and swear by them and others say its a load of crap.

    I just wanted to see what others say from a site i trust! :)

    just check the active ingredients if you decide to go for a diet pill. walking is fantastic. you might try to do it more often...even if for only 20-30 minutes a day
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I'm getting ready to try Oxy Elite Pro by USP Labs. I've heard great things about it and USP Labs usually puts out great products. Friends of mine of tried different ones with mixed results. I'm going to take them along with my diet and excerise routine to see if I can get better results, but I'll keep you guys posted if it helps or not.

    another axample of a diet pill that is mainly caffeine. expensive caffeine
  • Jeckia
    Jeckia Posts: 77 Member
    I've never tried diet pills always been to nervous to take them cause well I guess i wasn't well educated on them.

    Tho I read that there's certain things that are bad that can make your heart race, but i forget what its called and i definitely know it wasn't caffeine.. lol
  • i agree. the idea behind them is to jack you up so you have this...phantom motivation to work out and lift a tractor trailer truck!

    why load a pill with caffeine? interesting fact: caffeine in general (2 cups of coffee) will help the average person burn 50 extra calories over 3 hours time (even while sitting). however, the mayo clinic research suggests that over 2 cups of coffee causes incresed sweating, jitters, and loss of you really end up hurting yourself. so while these pills get you all cracked out and make it so you feel more like going to the gym this evening, they really can make ou dehydrated, crazy, and a total wack-o. i would just stick to 2 decent cups of BLACK coffee and do it on your own. plus, yeah, they are pricey!

    one thing worth mentioning, the crack feeling does wear off after taking them for a couple days, and you feel like their aren't working! i tried hydroxycut too, and it made my stomach feel horrible!!! just remember that they are not FDA approved and really only create a placebo effect!

    i would just start exercising more for more results!

    good luck.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Tho I read that there's certain things that are bad that can make your heart race, but i forget what its called and i definitely know it wasn't caffeine.. lol

    I think you are talking about ephedrine.

    Seriously. Pills are just gimics. If you check the fine print, they all give you a diet to follow and tell you to exercise. The things you should be doing anyway. Don't waste your money.
  • Jeckia
    Jeckia Posts: 77 Member

    I think you are talking about ephedrine.

    Yes! That's it.. Idk why I couldn't think of what it was called... LOL

    I appreciate all this great feedback.

    I don't think Id ever take a diet pill, (thought about it, but chickened out)
    just cause I have health issues, like IBS, Endometriosis, Depression and Anxiety which I take meds for all of those things soooo diet pills aren't the best option for me, but with that being said. following MFP cals and working out helps me not to gain anymore weight from the meds I'm on, but its not really helping me lose weight either..

    Ah the fun side effects of taking medication to help you with other issues.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    I think you are talking about ephedrine.

    Yes! That's it.. Idk why I couldn't think of what it was called... LOL

    I appreciate all this great feedback.

    I don't think Id ever take a diet pill, (thought about it, but chickened out)
    just cause I have health issues, like IBS, Endometriosis, Depression and Anxiety which I take meds for all of those things soooo diet pills aren't the best option for me, but with that being said. following MFP cals and working out helps me not to gain anymore weight from the meds I'm on, but its not really helping me lose weight either..

    Ah the fun side effects of taking medication to help you with other issues.

    brisk walking outside is also great for depression
  • Jeckia
    Jeckia Posts: 77 Member
    But its so cold outside right now... Tho I know that's totally a lame duck excuse.
  • I had a BAD experience with a diet pill. Hydroxycut. OMG! I use to feel like I was having a heart attack. One day I'd forgotten that I took the pill (I usually took it right before I exercised) and I was sitting on the couch and my heart started beating really fast, erratic. I called 911. I was rushed to the emergency room for heart attack like symptoms, when it was just the Hydroxycut.

    I also tried Alli. This was a great diuretic. But too expensive. Lesson from that, cut down the sodium, drink more water.

    I've lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of weight over the years. But the only thing that has worked for me in the past, and is working for me now, is portion control, more water, and walking. My advice: Say NO to fad diets. Say NO to diet pills. They are what helped me get to the weight I am right now.
  • Go to and put in Leslie Sansone or Walk away the pounds. I use her programs inside. I walk 2 miles with her at least 4 times per week. This will solve the walking problem while it's cold outside.
  • Jeckia
    Jeckia Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks. I'll definitely check it out.! :)
  • I don't take diet pills myself, but ephedrine and caffeine is a proven formula. Ephedrine was banned a few years ago after some people died from taking it. Many people were becoming addicted to it and taking way too much. Most use bronkaid now, which is ephedrine and guaifenesin, and stack it with caffeine pills (and sometimes aspirin). Google EC or ECA stack if you want to know more about dosing, risks, etc.
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    i tried the most popular one...hydroxcut and stuff. a lot of people told me it worked wonders for them. but not so much for me. I take 2 200mg caffeine pills (from walmart 6dollars for 100pills) and 5 8mg ephedrine once sometimes twice a day....sometimes not at not religious with them...I find it actually works better to take a few days off from them. anyways the ephedrine is sold legally in canada in a max dose of 8mg per pill as a decongestant for about 5 a bottle at a health food store in my area. (50 per bottle) for all together it cost me like 10 bucks a month....:D
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    if you try ephedrine...start at like 2 pills, then 3, then say don't go past 5 or 6 2 or 3 times a say 10 a day but i dont wanna be a pill nazi...that's on you to decide what you can handle lol. I dont do the caffeine ephedrine asprine stack...i think thats not adding all those med to my body lol
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Diet pills are just a gimmic. Loaded with crap ingredients. Most are not even FDA approved.. even the ones the stores sell. Just because they are on the market doesn't mean they are safe or approved for use.

    ALL diet pills say in the fine print "must be combined with a reduced calorie diet and exercise" which causes weight loss anyway. They are all just quick fixes that don't last. For those who take them most gain back the weight they lost once they stop taking them.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I used Capsiplex to give me energy to exercise for longer. I got mine off eBay cheaper and first batch were ok. they contain capsicum or something that's meant to be in hot chillies and boost metabolism but are meant to be coated so if you can't eat hot chilli's usually you can take these.

    The second ones I don't know if they weren't coated properly or what but as soon as I put one on tongue it would burn and all throat like sever heartburn and actually made me sick.. The didn't happen with the first bottle so I assumed I must have got a bad batch or imitation as I didn't buy them from the official site. ..I had to throw the rest away. they didn't do anything for my cravings.
  • I tried Phentremine a couple of years ago. When it kicked in, the pounds came rushing off of me. Unfortunately for me, when I hit a certain weight, the weight came back on just as fast, especially when I stopped taking them. I also noticed the joints in my legs hurting and my heart would race. This time, I am just trying the old fashioned way. Lost 7 lbs so far. Eating better and getting up off the couch.