Does this sound right to you?

I'm having the hardest time trusting my HRM. I have a polar ft7 and I fe like it estimates way too high. I have all my information put in correctly. For instance this morning I did a 54 minute workout on the treadmill (40 minutes jogging @ 5.4mph and 14 minutes walking @ 4.0) my HRM said I burned 650+, my average hr was 175 and my highest heart rate was 194. Does this seem high to anyone else? I mean, I was dripping sweat by the end of the workout, but I have sucks. Hard time believing that I burned thatany calories. My HRM said the same as my treadmill so idk. Should I just trust it?


  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121
    Anyone? Any insight would be great.
  • Ditchit
    Ditchit Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not sure to be honest but if that is what your monitor is telling you it should be right, you would be surprised about how many calories you do burn in cardio exercise.

    My understanding of exercising smarter is to limit your cardio to no more than 20 mins and do toning exercises for the rest of your workout session, at least another 20 mins. 40 mins to combine the two cardio and toning.

    Good luck and have faith!
  • JaimeBrown5
    The treadmill might have said the same as your HRM cuz Polar syncs with some brands of treadmills. As soon as I stand on certain equipment at my gym it links up on the screen even if I haven't started.

    That said, try the same run without your HRM on and see what the treadmill says - bet it's even higher, those machines almost always are.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    We have similar heart rates when doing a hard workout (170s and going up to 190s) and I think that sounda accurate. Not sure of your weight, but if you have entered it into your HRM correctly, I bet you did burn 650+! :smile:
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121
    Thanks!!! I'm going to just listen to it. I rarely eat all my exercise calories anyway so I'm not too worried, just wanted to make sure it was accurate.