Healthy snacks that help with quitting smoking?

Is there anything besides carrot sticks that you can munch on that is a healthy alternative to munch on when you are trying to quit smoking? I had my last smoke yesterday afternoon and I'm trying to find healthy snack alternatives to help fight the cravings for the nicotine. Any and all tips appreciated. Thanks.


    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    sugar free gun or hard candy such as the crystal light candies
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    frozen fruit (grapes) or any raw veggie. Sugar free jello or maybe even an ice cold glass of water.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I did carrot sticks. I got sick of carrots so I would go outside, with a handful of carrots, and bite them, but then spit them out.

    If you are just now trying to quit, you might want to try electronic cigarettes. Those also helped me. Good Luck!!!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    That is how I quit smoking too, an electronic cig.............used it sparingly for about a month..............been smoke-free since August 10th, 2011 :bigsmile: After 23 yrs of smoking, it was a last resort!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    18 days smoke free and I use bottled water to keep my hands busy and gum..
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    Drink ice cold water, with lemon and chew a minty gum. It will reinforce how cool and clean your breath is now that you quit.

    That always helped me! :)
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Congrats to all you non smokers! I am 2 months smoke free now. Lots of ice water helped me. Also an electronic cigarette. You can get the disposable ones at gas stations & drug stores for about $8. Another snack is sugar snow peas and edamame. They both take a little while to eat, and you have to use your hands. Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Way to go....I just had my 1 year aniversary last week!!! You have made an awesome and life changing decision!

    Some things that worked for me: Coffee and lots of it!!! Sun flower seeds, Chewing gum, Hard candies - Minty because I smoked menthols!, Loved the forzen grapes tooo!

    Just keep you mouth occupied. Sometimes a toothpick helps too.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    That is how I quit smoking too, an electronic cig.............used it sparingly for about a month..............been smoke-free since August 10th, 2011 :bigsmile: After 23 yrs of smoking, it was a last resort!

    This is how I did it! That thing is amazing. I also started gaining weight so I started taking bee pollen to curb that appetite! I was lucky to have only gained 8 lbs before I discovered the bee pollen.

    When I was taking it for appetite suppression, I would take 2 right before breakfast on an empty stomach and 2 right before lunch, or I would take them with a protein shake.

    Now I take them right before a run (we live in the city and pass by several restaurants that smell fantastic) or in the spring/summer AFTER I eat to help treat allergy symptoms.

    Gum is also good.

    Good luck! You will not regret this I promise. I loved loved loved smoking and could not imagine being so happy with out it, but I will say my life is so much better with out those darn things. They are expensive now too.
  • koko65
    koko65 Posts: 33
    I am using the e cig too and its wonderful, I am three weeks into and and I now hardly puff on the e cig either.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Yep, defnitely hard candies. Coffee Nips did it for me, something about them appealed to the same taste craving. My husband did it with Jolly Ranchers. I also used cough drops because the first few weeks saw a real increase in the "lung clearing" I was doing. Also, and this was HUGE for me, it did me SO much good--ice water. Every time a craving hit, I slugged back a few cold gulps of ice water. It really helped.

    It's been a little over 6 years for me--from 2 1/2-3 packs a day to nothing--we steered clear of anything with nicotine because we were looking to really quit, not just change our nicotine delivery system. I absolutely promise you it will get so much better, it will get so fabulous you wonder why you didn't quit sooner.

    Good luck, hang in, you're doing it!

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Way to go....I just had my 1 year aniversary last week!!! You have made an awesome and life changing decision!

    Some things that worked for me: Coffee and lots of it!!! Sun flower seeds, Chewing gum, Hard candies - Minty because I smoked menthols!, Loved the forzen grapes tooo!

    Just keep you mouth occupied. Sometimes a toothpick helps too.

    Oooh, yeah, I'd forgotten about the frozen grapes!

  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Is there anything besides carrot sticks that you can munch on that is a healthy alternative to munch on when you are trying to quit smoking? I had my last smoke yesterday afternoon and I'm trying to find healthy snack alternatives to help fight the cravings for the nicotine. Any and all tips appreciated. Thanks.

    I also had my last smoke yesterday!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    That is how I quit smoking too, an electronic cig.............used it sparingly for about a month..............been smoke-free since August 10th, 2011 :bigsmile: After 23 yrs of smoking, it was a last resort!

    This is how I did it! That thing is amazing. I also started gaining weight so I started taking bee pollen to curb that appetite! I was lucky to have only gained 8 lbs before I discovered the bee pollen.

    When I was taking it for appetite suppression, I would take 2 right before breakfast on an empty stomach and 2 right before lunch, or I would take them with a protein shake.

    Now I take them right before a run (we live in the city and pass by several restaurants that smell fantastic) or in the spring/summer AFTER I eat to help treat allergy symptoms.

    Gum is also good.

    Good luck! You will not regret this I promise. I loved loved loved smoking and could not imagine being so happy with out it, but I will say my life is so much better with out those darn things. They are expensive now too.

    Hmmm, never heard of the bee pollen...........I gained about the same amount of weight as you, under 10 pds..........the e-cig helped me I think because of the hand to mouth motion..........I tried evrything else before with no success!!!

    Congrats to everyone that has quit and to those in the process!! It will eventually get easier!!!
    Meditation is the best remedy to quit smoking :)
  • fetchfury
    fetchfury Posts: 84 Member
    I had the problem of going cold turkey with smoking, I just couldn't quit!

    So my friend told me a great way of doing it, just tell your self you can only have a smoke at the weekend when your out with friends or socialising. By the time the weekend came and I had those cigs, the sunday my mouth tasted awful, which I hadn't realised before. The next week was the same, then I just never bothered again cause I felt like I was forcing myself to smoke at the weekend!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I used a McDonald's straw (same size around as a cig) cut down to be the same length, its free and it worked for me. "Smoked" it everywhere.

    As far as food...

    Radishes cucumbers, pretty much any veggie that you like to eat, just skip the ranch.

    Try taking walks if you can. One thing that works great is to change what your doing when you get the craving.

    3 yrs 19 days smoke free :)...
  • desertsky1955
    desertsky1955 Posts: 24 Member
    I Quit Smoking November 2, 2011....I used a clicking pen to occupy my hand. Of course the clicking sound may have been annoying to people around me (LOL) but nobody complained. I eat tootsie rolls and Celery sticks.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Yep, defnitely hard candies. Coffee Nips did it for me, something about them appealed to the same taste craving. My husband did it with Jolly Ranchers. I also used cough drops because the first few weeks saw a real increase in the "lung clearing" I was doing. Also, and this was HUGE for me, it did me SO much good--ice water. Every time a craving hit, I slugged back a few cold gulps of ice water. It really helped.

    It's been a little over 6 years for me--from 2 1/3-3 packs a day to nothing--we steered clear of anything with nicotine because we were looking to really quit, not just change our nicotine delivery system. I absolutely promise you it will get so much better, it will get so fabulous you wonder why you didn't quit sooner.

    Good luck, hang in, you're doing it!


    Just wanted to thank you for the info,