Scale issues...

So I'm not afraid to say how much I weigh do to the fact I'm aware I'm over weight and need to lose a few lbs...

With that being said.

I went over a friends house and stepped on their scale and it said I weighed 184.8lbs and when I got home I stepped on the scale that I have, which is very old. It was at my grandmothers house and she's letting me borrow it. This scale said I weighed about 185.something

Then for the heck of it I bought a Scale at Wal-Mart. It's a digital one. I paid about $20 for it.

This scale said I weighed 189, well it was 188.something. I can't remember what the point said.

So I'm not sure which one I should believe and well I hate getting weighed at the doctors because I feel as tho that scale is never right, but it could just be me..

Thanks :)

Also if anyone knows a good scale that they believe is true to weight I'd like to know. :)


  • carmelbeautee
    I had a scale that was not digital that has been off by 10lbs no matter how much you calibrate it! My doctor recommended I buy a digital scale as they are the best at weighing at home. After looking around, the one with the best results I found was on Amazon. EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale. I would say that if you weighed your self on a digital scale, go with that one.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I don't think any scale is right. Even the same scale could be different everytime you step on it. I would go by measurements.
  • Jeckia
    Jeckia Posts: 77 Member
    Well the one I used at my friends house was a digital scale, the one at my home which is the older one isn't.

    Then the one I got at Walmart was digital as well.

    Ugh the scale is not my friend. :-/
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    So I'm not afraid to say how much I weigh do to the fact I'm aware I'm over weight and need to lose a few lbs...

    With that being said.

    I went over a friends house and stepped on their scale and it said I weighed 184.8lbs and when I got home I stepped on the scale that I have, which is very old. It was at my grandmothers house and she's letting me borrow it. This scale said I weighed about 185.something

    Then for the heck of it I bought a Scale at Wal-Mart. It's a digital one. I paid about $20 for it.

    This scale said I weighed 189, well it was 188.something. I can't remember what the point said.

    So I'm not sure which one I should believe and well I hate getting weighed at the doctors because I feel as tho that scale is never right, but it could just be me..

    Thanks :)

    Also if anyone knows a good scale that they believe is true to weight I'd like to know. :)

    Take something you know the weight of an put it on the scales and compare. EX. a 10 pound dumbell or something like that.
  • MayFlower78
    I have this same problem! Youre not alone! I have yet to get one, am actually gonna go shopping for one today! Hope you find one that works for you! :)
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    This is why the scale is not the end all be all of weight loss.

    Buy a decent scale(i'd take the $20 one back and buy a bit of a nicer one) and just use it consistently.

    Weighing yourself on various scales is going to discourage you hardcore. Especially considering you're probably doing this at different times of the day with different clothes on and what not.

    Weight yourself at home first thing in the morning after you've gone to the bathroom and do it naked. Do it once a week and that's the only weigh you should gauge yourself by.

    More importantly, take before and after photos and measurements. These are the best ways to actually gauge weight loss.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I love my Tanita scale! You can buy them on Amazon for about $70. Well worth the investment in your health...
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    I bought a scale from Walmart around $30. It's a digital and has cells in each corner so if the floor is a tad uneven, it still measures me evenly. I can move it all around and it still gives me the same number every time I step on and off in a diff spot on the floor
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    just use one scale and if it says you are going down, that's all that matters, your weight fluctuates all day anyway so if you did it all on one day then there's your problem
  • Jeckia
    Jeckia Posts: 77 Member
    SO on a good note ... I think I have two 3lb weights that I put on my old scale which isnt digital and it weighed up to the total of 6lbs perfectly..

    Then I took the two weights and put it onto the digital scale to see what it said and the scale wouldnt even turn on with the two weights, so i pushed down on the scale a little bit to have the screen come on and put the weights back down and it maxed out at a big fat ZERO!

    Then I had 2 two lb weight balls that i put onto of the 3lb weights totaling 10lbs, which on my old scale it said 10lbs and then went back to the digital one i got and it did the same thing Zero..

    so would you say the one i got at walmart for $20 is inaccurate?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    SO on a good note ... I think I have two 3lb weights that I put on my old scale which isnt digital and it weighed up to the total of 6lbs perfectly..

    Then I took the two weights and put it onto the digital scale to see what it said and the scale wouldnt even turn on with the two weights, so i pushed down on the scale a little bit to have the screen come on and put the weights back down and it maxed out at a big fat ZERO!

    Then I had 2 two lb weight balls that i put onto of the 3lb weights totaling 10lbs, which on my old scale it said 10lbs and then went back to the digital one i got and it did the same thing Zero..

    so would you say the one i got at walmart for $20 is inaccurate?

    I'd say it probably just doesn't measure anything under a specific weight. Try the trick I use to weigh my dog. Step on the scale yourself and remember the weight. Then pick up the object(s) with a specific weight and step back on the scale while holding them. Subtract the new weight from your weight and voila!
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    just use one scale and if it says you are going down, that's all that matters, your weight fluctuates all day anyway so if you did it all on one day then there's your problem

    I agree with this, so long as whatever scale you use is consistent whether it be perfectly accurate or always 5lbs over doesn't matter. The actual number means very little compared to which way the change is trending.
  • Jeckia
    Jeckia Posts: 77 Member
    well I dont have a dog, but i have a BIG cat. he weighs 15lbs.. he could prob stand to lose some weight as well.. lol But I still love him to death.

    Anyways. The walmart scale while holding him said i weighed almost 8lbs more while holding him then what it did with my old scale. with that being said. i think ill just stick to the old one. lol