Calorie Goal

I'm some trouble with setting my calorie goal. I went to see a dietician that suggested I log my caloric intake on MFP. I was already a member but was non~active. The dietician set my calorie goal at 1500 calories which I have been following and have lost about 5lbs within one month. I'm a registered nurse and have always been told if you limit your calories too much your body will begin to hold on to fat as some sort of survival tactic. SO, my question is should I continue to follow the 1500 calorie goal or go with MFP recommended calorie goal in hopes of losing at least 2lbs per week instead of the 1?


  • I think your body turns into survival mode when it takes in too few calories. If your daily goal is, for example, 1700 per day, and you clock in at around 1550/1600 per day (with the right foods, vitamins, nutrients, etc), your body should be fine. If your goal is 1700 and you come in with 1200 or 1300 on a daily basis, depriving yourself from what your body needs to run efficiently, I think that's when your body turns towards the survival store-EVERYTHING mode.

    I get 1800 per day and for the past half year, I've come in on average around 100 calories under, and I feel wonderful!
  • Most personal trainers recommend that you stay within your calories goal every day, but blow it 1 day out of 7 eating whatever you want. This serves to both keep your metabolism from readjusting, and to keep you from being frustrated with denying yourself.

    Funny thing is, last weekend I went over by several hundred calories and didn't feel that good about it. I feel so good not overeating right now that I didn't really want more. It is does help in allowing you to keep being social, too. It's hard to stay within the calorie count and join others at a restaurant.