Creating a New Challenge/Motivation Group~Let's have fun!



  • musicalivy
    Welcome Ladies. Thanks for joining. You got here just in time, today is our last membership day. I will send your invites shortly for the group page. 1st Challenge is up for this week! Good Luck and remember we are all here for you! Let's have fun!

  • robynelaine77
    Hi there, would love to join!

    My name is Robyn.
    CW: 211.0
    GW: 185 (by end of March)
    NWG: Survive the 30DS, which starts tomorrow
    I am taking this semester off of school, so I figure these next few months will allow me to dedicate the most amount of time to my health. I live with my boyfriend, but he isn't on the healthy train (yet), so outside motivation is crucial. Yay, challenges! Good luck everyone! :)
  • keggreen
    Hi! Hopefully it's not too late to join!?!
    My name is Kelly
    CGW: 150-155
    NWG: workout 4x's a week
    I'm 5'2 and 32yo. I have a 7yo boy and 2yo girl. I'm a full time nephrology clinician. I want to be able to play with my kids ALL the time without fee
    Ing worn put! Hopefully it's not too late to join!
  • musicalivy

    The group is up and running. If you haven't received your invite, please let me know. I had to go back in and make a few changes as I missed some full user names. I will be double checking again tonight! Good luck all!
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    Ok my starting weight for this challenge is 207.8!!! Ahh I want to hit under 200
  • alwaysangel

    quarterly counters-I used to work in a bank. lol

    Hey, how about Quarter Pounders? lol

    I don't want to sound rude but a weigh loss group named after a burger seems like an oxymoron to me. LOL Sorry.
  • tenoclockbird
    Just in time! I want in on this! :)

    Name: You can call me Bird

    CW: 195 (as of this morning, down 8 lbs from Jan 1, thankyouverymuch!)

    GW: for this challenge, I'd like to lose 15 lbs, so 180

    non weight goal: To exercise regularly. Let's say 3 times a week/30 min each. Truth is, I hate to sweat, so this would be big.

    Me: I'm a 40 year old SAHM with three kids, (8,7,and 2). I gained a little weight after each kid, but when my last child was 20 months old I found myself within a couple pounds of my max weight at nine months pregnant with my first child, and I got scared. And I saw the picture in my profile. It was a wake up call. I swear, that isn't what I see in the mirror. So I went through the closet and packed up everything I can't wear, but won't get rid of. I've got the barest possible wardrobe until I can open that box in the basement
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Bump. I want in, but can't post right now.
  • angie3005
    angie3005 Posts: 32 Member
    I would like to join you :)

    Name: Angie
    CW: 218
    GW: 160
    NWG: to excercise more and log in everyday
    ME: I am a self employed homehelp/carer, i am mum to 24, 26 and 10 year old
    i have struggled with my weight most of my adult life, managing to get to 140 and maintain til stress hits...divorce, house move, starting my own business ending 18 months ago with the sudden death of my dad, it completely threw me off track, i gained 40 lbs and had a stroke in september, i dont have any pictures of me and my son together as i feel i always spoil the shot :( i would like to set a good example to him and have a much more active time with him, which would benefit us both.

    thanks for starting the group, this challenge is just what i need, especially as my motivation is on a high right now
  • rnorderh
    rnorderh Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join as well.

    1) Name: Rich
    2) CW: 222.6 lbs (morning), 228 lbs (evening)
    3) GW: 200lbs
    4) Other Goals: Squeeze 3 days of cardio a week with existing 2 days with trainer. Become a better guitar player
    5) Intro: Live in California Bay Area, father of 2 boys, work as a manager of an operations group and in front of a computer all day, became a member of MFP in the last 2 months, religiously entering all consumed calories in MFP, exercise minimum 4 days a week (2 with trainer, 2 cardio on elliptical), striving to make it to 5 days a week, currently completing open water diving cert.
  • Chococ4t
    Hi all, I'm willing to give this a try, I'm new to MFP so still muddling my way through here.
    My names Bri
    CW: 220lbs
    mini challenge goal: 215ish lbs
    non weight goal: I want to feel good about myself again, haven't in a while
    intro: I've noticed a lot of people on here saying that they were diabetic and they wanted to lose weight to help with that, I'm also diabetic but unlike most of the people I've seen, I'm type 1 not 2 so I'm stuck with it till I die probably. I'm 19 and in the middle of my 3rd year of uni, i'm a clinical lab science major. Since I've stared uni the pounds just seemed to pack on, I want to be able to lose the weight I've gained.
  • mispoohbie
    mispoohbie Posts: 31 Member
    I would like to join
    Name is Misty (mispoohbie)
    cw 331
    mini challenge gw 321
    NWG smaller size clothes
    Intro been on mfp since Oct 2011. My husband of 3 years and I are doing this together. I have diabetes type 2 but have had healthy blood sugars for several months now.
  • teenya20
    teenya20 Posts: 73 Member
    Is it too late to join?? My name is Teenya

    C.W. 151
    G.W. 141
    Goal - hoping to feel better about the way I look in clothes and find some energy. Keeping off those hypertension meds would make me happy too! :)

    I am a 38 year old mom of two teenage boys, working full time, going to school full time and just feeling like the stress is taking over. And to top it off I am stress eater, so I just tend to gain weight. I start health trends but always kinda fizzle out after a couple of weeks of enthusiasm. I just don't want to do it anymore and am really trying to find the determination through MFP
  • ravensfan1
    ravensfan1 Posts: 78 Member
    is it too late to join??
    Hi my name is Erica
    CW: 227.5
    GW: 217
    I would like to do some form of exercise 30 minutes a day
    I am a 49 yr old female with osteoarthritis. I had a total knee replacement of right knee last year. I'm trying to postpone having left knee done as long as possible. I work at VA hospital as medical technologist. I am single, no kids, and when not working I hang out with my cat Skylar
  • steelersfamily6
    steelersfamily6 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone, I would love to join I am up for the challenge. It will definitely keep me motivated on keep me going!

    1) Julie Ann
    2) 201
    3) 180
    4) To be able to feel good about myself and not be afraid to look in the mirror!
    5) I am going to be 35 yrs old on Jan. 27th and I have already battled so many addictions in my life, it is time to battle my food & fat addiction. My husband and I quit smoking back in September. I gained about 40 pounds after that and when I hit my highest weight not-pregnant, I flipped out. I weighed in at 212 pounds and was absolutely sick to my stomach. It was so crazy how fast the weight just crept up on me. I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, 3 boys and 1 girl. My daughter who just turned 11 last August is already starting a weight issue and she came up to me and showed me she has stretch marks on her inside thighs. So I am not only doing this for me but for my children. I am not one to have patience and I wish I could lose my weight fast, as I am sure we all do, but as long as I see some kind of progress happening I won't feel so bad. Thank you for this group because I really need this. I was in such a bad depression once I hit 212 pounds that I didn't want to do anything but sit in my computer chair and stare at the computer.....

    Good luck to everyone - I know we can all do this!
  • befit911
    1) Ashley
    2) 154 (Originally at 160 before MFP)
    3) 139
    4) To feel confident in a swimsuit!!
    5) I am 26 years old and I have not been happy with my body since my teen years. I struggle with sticking to eating healthy and working out. I need some serious motivation and support to maintain it. I always get discouraged when I hit my plateau, which is usually between 152-150. I am confident this group will help me reach my goal and I know I can help motivate others. We are all in it together!
  • fran1515
    fran1515 Posts: 130 Member
    If it is not to late I want in
    1) Fran
    2) CW 304 started at 325 1-1-12 My all time high
    3) GW 270
    4) I want to burn a minimum of 3500 calories per week.
    5) I am 48 years old father and husband and used to lift weight, excerise, play competive sports, coach high school softball but a back injury has made life harder to do the things I love. I am working towards gaining my like back so I can enjoy life and manage my back pain.
  • musicalivy
    Thanks for joining all! I will be sending your invites shortly. You are the last to join. The group is now closed. So sorry to those who are checking on this post. We are now fully started. To those of you who just posted on here, you will be getting an invite into our group page. That is where all the discussions will take place. Challenges are posted weekly, as well as some other fun discussion topics. For the sake of keeping things organized I have asked that I be the only one to start a discussion thread. If there is a discussion you'd like added for our group, please message me and I will put it on. Thanks for joining! Have fun!
  • dpap2293
    1) Danielle
    2) My current weight is 171 ( I recently lost 29 pounds but over the holidays i gained 8 of it back)
    3) My goal weight is 160.
    4) I am 38 years old. This is the first time i have lost weight in such a long time. I am determined to lose the weight with eating healthier and working out. I run 3 times a week, i do sit upus, squats and some exercises with my arms. I was first motivated my watching Jennifer Hutson on the doctor Oz show. She did 5 different exercise everyday 25 each. She is also on weight watchers. My cousin Ashley also motivated me If she can do it and all of you out there then i can too. The more the merry we are all in this together.