Need Dinner Ideas: BUT my husband has a garlic and onion int

hannahb0614 Posts: 10 Member
We both LOVED garlic and onion in everything, but recently found out that they were the things causing his breathing problems and him feeling sick all the time :( bottom line, we can't use either of these anymore. Soooo, if anyone has any (pretty simple) lunch and dinner recipes PLEASE throw them my way! I need something that doesn't require a TON of ingredients or really take that long to make because I have a limited amount of time to make lunch and dinner. Lots of work, school, hubby, and two kiddos! Looking for recipes takes up way too much of my! :frown:


  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    Have you tried onion/garlic powders instead? :( That really sucks otherwise.

    I imagine you'd still be able to use most of your own recipes by just replacing onions and garlic with other seasonings. Depending on the dish of course. Italian type herbs for Italian dishes. Mexican for Mexican. In a mexi dish I'd probably replace onions with corn and cilantro. I'd replace garlic with oregano. Or in itali dishes I'd replace onions and garlic with thyme, basil and rosemary.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Basically, your husband has a sensitivity to Alliums... so no organic, no pill form and no regular form or powder form are going to be good for him.. so you will have no choice but to scratch out the other poster's suggestion for powder - they still contain the same onion/garlic related properties - so lets not get your husband sick.

    Honestly... trying to suggest recipes where you have put so many limitations makes things difficult..... If the kids are down for a nap, you could easily spend some of that time looking for recipes that only you would know your family would eat...

    I work 50hours per week as a Chef, take care of the home, the cooking at home and there is always time for exercise and meal planning in between.. Im about to obtain a second full time job to return to working Healthcare - so thats another 40 hours on my plate. You just have to learn to make the time for meal planning.....and that can be tailored for recipes...

    Can you be more specific than just "doesnt require a TON of ingredients"...its too much of a blanket statement because what I would think is perfectly fine, you would think is too much...
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There are plenty of websites out there with "simple" recipes. Try doing a Google search for something like "six ingredient recipes" or "busy mom recipes." You'll get a bunch of sites listed and can look through them to find things you know your family can eat. Don't forget crockpot recipes, too!

    I'd also suggest substituting other herbs and spices. Rosemary, dill, thyme, basil, paprika, cumin, etc. will provide lots of flavor. The trick is figuring out which ones, and which combinations, you like. Prepare your family for some meals they may not like for a little while. Laugh about the ones which aren't so good and keep note of which ones you like so they can become part of your regular meal rotation.