High Crime area & exercise....I AM REALLY PI$$ED



  • Kelra01
    Kelra01 Posts: 23
    I've found running from crack heads helps to increase my speed by a significant margin.
    ROFL.. I bet it does! now would that add in a weight of fear factor of 10 lbs? :)
  • Kia148
    Kia148 Posts: 192 Member
    I've found running from crack heads helps to increase my speed by a significant margin.

  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    Sing really loud while riding your bike. No one wants to mess with a crazy person
    I have actually seen someone doing this!! I did think they were crazy. Perhaps they were actually very sane....
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I don't bike to work (desert southwest heat and a 14 mile commute just don't go well together!) but when I run and can't immediately shower, I carry wipes with me. Mine are actually Kirkland brand (Costco) facial wipes but I use them all over my body and they work great. I ran a half marathon this weekend, used one to clean up afterward, drove the 2 hours home and when I hugged my husband he didn't even complain that I smelled and he would if I did. I think they work pretty well.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Pedal fast!
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I teach middle school. Lord knows I have to be presentable around those kids. I shower BEFORE I ride to work, however, I keep wipes and a clean towel to freshen up. I also carry wrinkle free clothes in my backpack. I've got a small bag of sample size toiletries in my desk, and keeping my hair short helps. Some planning is involved, but it gets easier with practice. When I bike to work, I'm the happiest person on campus because it is so much fun. Also, I keep my bike in my classroom. The only yucky part seems to be putting on wet clothes to bike back home.

    I also do these things. If it isn't that far (mine was 8 miles one way), I ride slower than normal so that I don't sweat as much then just wipe off when I get to work to freshen up.
    If you have a "private" place to put your clothes, I would turn mine inside out and hang them up to dry so they weren't wet when I left to go home. I agree, wet chamois is gross :)
  • Living in Flint Michigan crime is everywhere my only suggestion is you work out indoors
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    You can always carry a stun gun, mace, pocket knife, and a big stick. Crackheads seem to like sticks around here. But really if things get crazy I was told you can spray your body with your mace and they wont want to touch you. Just watch the face ofcorse. Sorry you work in such a crappy area. Stay safe.
  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    Come to Canada. Even the worst corner in my city isn't dangerous. Just lots of zombies wandering around.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I would strongly recommend against spraying your body with MACE. Pepper spray on skin burns - like a bad sunburn - and sweat makes it worse. If it's CS or CN it attracts itself to moisture - think about the areas on your body that sweat the most - and when it gets into mucus membranes and sensitive places it inflames them.
  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member
    Well, I'm a scaredy-cat. I spend my entire run looking over my shoulder and around bushes, playing scenarios out in my head of how I would beat the hell out of someone if they tried anything. I carry pepperspray/tear gas. All this and I live in a neighborhood where crime is super-low. I probably WOULD stay in my house all day if I lived where you do!!!! Yikes!!!

    Best of luck! Be safe. I know you want to be healthy, but getting stabbed, raped, and/or murdered are NOT good for your health!!
  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member
    I used to live in Bywater when I lived in Nola. I loved my house, neighbors and neighborhood. I didn't like the criminal element that came around. As a result, I never ran in the neighborhood unless my husband was with me. Or my dogs. I have 2 big dogs, so just the site of them would cause the criminals to cross the street and stay away from me.
    Is your livingroom big enough to workout with a DVD? That can be tough if you live in a shotgun, I could do it, but just barely. I can understand wanting to incorporate exercise into your commute, but reality is that if it's not totally safe, I'd skip it. Join a gym, get DVDs, take your children to the park after work and the weekends. It's not worth your safety.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    In the morning, you shouldn't have a problem at all. Really, how often do you see drug deals and drive bys happen at 7 am ;)

    In the afternoon, you shouldn't either. #1 - you'll be moving faster than most people can run. A 4:00 mile is just 15 mph - on a cruiser or something like that, that takes a little work, on a road bike, it's hard to go that slow. And lets just say most people who would want to chase you aren't going to be 4 minute milers ;) Now if you had Usain Bolt chasing you down, and other perfect circumstances, you might be in trouble - he can travel at 28 mph, for 100 hundred yards.
    #2 - most random violence isn't random
    #3 - most violent crimes (that aren't domestic) don't happen between 4 and 6 pm, when it's nice and sunny.

    If you don't have a shower, wipes are a great suggestion. Probably the most often suggestion I've seen too ;) .
    I keep a week's worth of clothes in my desk (but I don't wear suits, and I don't have anything that needs to be pressed). If you've got an office door, hanging the "nice" clothes in a garment bag on the door mounted coat hook is a good idea too, theoretically out of the way all day.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    What are the laws regarding concealed carry in your state? That could be an option.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Hey Darlin' I used to live in NOLA and still love that sweet city. It sounds like you work in the CBD. Can you bike along the streetcar route? Also, depending on your work schedule you may be ok bc of the traffic in and out of the area at rush hour.

    Do NOT deviate from "safe" streets however. NOLA is a real patchwork unlike most cities and 3 blocks can make a HUGE difference.

    I wouldn't take your supervisor's comments to close to heart. I used to ride the bus down Tchoup to the Quarter and then up Elyssian Fields to UNO every day and then up Broad when I moved as a sweet, young, white girl and people thought I was CRAZY. People don't ride the bus in NOLA unless they have no alternative ;) Nothing ever happend. A couple of times I felt concerned and I just sat up front and talked to the driver. Everything was fine.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    I would strongly recommend against spraying your body with MACE. Pepper spray on skin burns - like a bad sunburn - and sweat makes it worse. If it's CS or CN it attracts itself to moisture - think about the areas on your body that sweat the most - and when it gets into mucus membranes and sensitive places it inflames them.

    Im not saying on skin. On your cloths. Yea it will suck to touch later but its better then what could happen.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Consder carrying a firearm?
  • CoralConnor
    CoralConnor Posts: 42 Member
  • I think its great that you boss is concerned about your well being.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Step 1. Get fit.
    Step 2. Learn Kung Fu.
    Step 3. Master fire arms
    Step 4. Make a bullet proof costume.
    Step 5. Become Bat Girl.

    I'm on Step 1. I may skip some of these steps and go straight to becoming Iron Man.