New to site but familiar with game

I have played the weight loss game a few different times sucessfully to only lose the game in the end over time. I have been overweight since I was little but look at my family and have always said we all look like this...I am just going to be this way. I lost over 80 lbs in 2009 but then a few things happened that took my focus off me and gained it all back plus 10.
I have been in transition this last year and am now looking to stay put now and get really serious about me again. I live near family, yet they are all busy so I spend days and nights alone alot which leads to eating too much and the wrong choices sometimes.
If anyone is in Missouri and around Lake of the Ozarks area...I would be up for a friend to team up with and hit this game head on to win once and for all! I have no kids, currently not working and plenty of time on my no excuses...yet I am not getting it done.
Message me, add me as a friend or whatever you want....I know I NEED someone!

Goal - get healthy, lose weight and run a half marathon again for a better time!

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