losing weight too slowly



  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    wish I could lose 6 pounds in 3 weeks or even a month! that is progress!!!!!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    1. It takes lots of time!! It didn't come on overnight, it won't go off overnight

    2. Try to add more protein. I started adding a protein shake as one of my snacks, post workout and it has been amazing!

    3. Try to watch the prepackaged meals/snacks. I eat the fiber one brownies as well but the Lean Cuisines/ Healthy Choice/WW dinners have wayyyy too much sodium.

    4. I have 100 left to lose and aim for 1lb/week so I can take it off slowly and ensure it doesn't come back on.

    5. You're definitely not eating enough.
  • hottiewannabe
    hottiewannabe Posts: 92 Member

    Eat the bulk of your calories in the morning, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like the working man and dinner like a pauper (or something like that). I would also suggest to increase the protein.

  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    As many said before - it is not a game where you can lose quickly. I am in the same boat - Goal is to lose around 70 lbs but after the first 9 lbs - i am stuck with no weight loss for over a month now. As some suggested the MFP might not give you the correct calorie burn but you would eat those thinking its what u burnt. My suggestion is to get yourself a HRM (I am currently using a Polar FT7 and its very good). That will give you an exact of what you burnt with exercise.

    Also, does your exercise include cardio ? That's the first thing you should focus when you start to lose weight. atleast for the first 20 pounds you can just depend on good cardio. Other than that - drink lots of water, make sure you add good protein to your diet.
    Don't worry to lose weight fast coz if you do that will come back again. Has happened to me lots of times - I had even lost upto 20 lbs in a month but it all came back coz i was doing it all wrong.

    In a nutshell, just focus on exercise and good food and you will get there. Don't let those stupid numbers on the scale pull you down.
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks for the advice. It is much appreciated. I weigh every morning when I get up and after going to the bathroom. That way I feel like there is some consistency. I haven't looked at my sodium intake. I'll try that. I realize that this weight did not come on overnight, but I assumed that if calories in was less than calories burned, I would be seeing more results. My goal is to stick with MPF for a long, long, time and I'm giving myself a year to take off the weight (more if I have to but that's what I'd like.) I didn't think I was expecting too much. I want to lose slow, not drastic. I have MFP set up to lose two pounds a week. I thought that was healthy, but I'm not losing that... hence this forum.

    Again, thanks so much for your input. I feel better just knowing others have had the same struggle and that it might be a normal thing as my body adjusts. And, no, I must live under a rock b/c I was unaware that the "woman thing" affects the scale.

    Have a great week!
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    oh yeah, and trust me... i did not make the goal of 1240 calories a day. MFP did.
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    If I'm too strict with myself, I will plateau, it's a happy medium.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    oh yeah, and trust me... i did not make the goal of 1240 calories a day. MFP did.

    You can change that to a healthier number - it's under the "Goals" tab. You can change the settings for calories as well as the other aspects of your nutrition goals.

    Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    anyone having the same issue? I just started 3 weeks ago and the first week I lost 4.2 pounds. The next week was .8 pounds. I have been drinking water, doing zumba, walking, shooting hoops, and balancing my diet with carbs, fats, and protein. I'm starting to get really discouraged and I know that any weightloss is better than none, but I have at least 80 pounds to lose and at this rate, it will be YEARS before I see that kind of loss. MFP tells me I should be consuming 1240 calories a day. I've been really good at staying within 50 calories of that. Any suggestions? I need help.
    Hit the heavy weights and increase your RMR. You'll burn fat faster that way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    You didn't put the weight on in a month. You won't take the weight off in a month. I know that most people by far want it gone ASAP but unfortunately that's not typically how it works. Especially as you get to the end of the journey, it slows to a crawl.

    1) it's a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet that you can dump after you are done (you will gain all your weight back)

    2) like most people who start off, you may be starving yourself and your body's metabolism is giving you the high middle finger and slowing itself down to match what you are doing to it. Don't starve yourself.

    3) it helps immensely to workout and sweat. 30 minutes a day minimum.

    4) it takes time.

    5) it takes time.

    6) it takes time.

    7) it takes time.

    8) it takes time.

    9) it takes more time.

    10) you need patience. Because it takes time.

    ^^^ A-Frickin-men! I have to keep reminding myself its gonna take some time and to stay true. I get impatient but when I look back to see what Ive accomplished so far, it reaffirms im still on the right track and ill get there one day :)
  • Lotus1026
    trust me i get where your coming from i just started about 2 weeks ago an lost only 2 pound so far. i do the gym about 3-4days a week and stay within 1200 cal a day. its rough cause i want results like yesterday haha. keep you head up an push through.