Should I buy a scale?

I do not own a scale and do not weigh myself. I know I need to lose weight based on how my clothes fit and how I look when I look in the mirror. I planned to chart my weight loss this time by measuring myself. However, I am it a good idea to use a scale? How do you avoid not getting obsessed with a number? I tend to be a person who never weighs what people think I, even when I was running and really, really fit, I weighed so much more than people thought and it would always psych me out and make me feel bad, like somehow I was overweight even though I clearly wasn't. I've always been athletic and worked out, so I think I must just have a lot of muscle and a solid bone structure.

Suggestions? Ideas?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get a food scale and use it everyday. It's much better to catch it before it goes in. :drinker:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    I never owned a scale. I knew I would obsess.

    I ended up at 200 and some pounds and the only thing that made me think "Hm, maybe I should lose some weight" was some comments I got from acquaintances. I was blissfully enjoying life.

    I lost 40 pounds before I bought a scale.

    It gets harder to lose that last few pounds and I thought it was a good idea.

    I never use it. Once a year at the doctor's is fine. I lost four pounds last year. Now, by next year, I want that last nine to be gone.

    The clothes tell the story.
  • Enchantedpoetess
    Its easier to keep youself honest about your weight with a scale if your trying to loose weight or gain it even IMO? You can't blame the washer and dryer for shrinking your cloths :blushing:
  • eskimite
    Thanks for the input. I will give it a second thought and perhaps go on to order one!