Vertical Sleeve saved my life and i am NOT ashamed!!!



  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    Never be ashamed of who you are! I'm so happy to know you and now even more so you have overcome so much and this is just part of the journey. you know that!!! Never forget life is about living so get out there and live!!!!

    Thank you so much!! And u are a very wise woman! Life is much too short to be miserable!
  • Heart touching story! I too will have the sleeve done by June. I am glad that a lot of people realize it is just another TOOL for people to use. I have lost but I need to loose about how much you have, so long road ahead! Thank you so much for sharing your story when you didn't have to and I'm so glad you have your amazing son to share this with!!

    Love & support fellow MFP's!! That's all we really ask for! :flowerforyou:
  • I know your struggle as I have lived it even though I did not have the added burden of drug addicted parents. I had WLS (gastric bypass surgery) in Nov.2010 and i also am not ashamed to tell others as it has saved my life.

    For nearly 50 years I have tried every diet and exercise program around and could only lose about 50lbs of my 325lbs and keep it off. My attempts to exercise usually left me injured. My body struggled under the weight and the many drugs I had to take to try to manage my health problems (high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, joint problems, etc.) My thyroid was removed when i was 18 y/o, and I had strong genetic link to obesity in my family as well. But, i never used those things as excuses to quit trying to lose weight.

    For more than 40 yrs I tried to lose weight the conventional way with only a minimal improvement in my health. Finally, I had a doctor tell me the truth, that if I did not try something new that i would die of obesity sooner rather than later. He laid out my odds--he showed me that metabolically it was very unlikely that I would ever lose the weight and keep it off without changing the way my metabolism functions. He told me that >90% of people who have the specific hormonal and metabolic problems that I had might lose the weight, but will gain the majority if not more back. That is what I had experience for >40 yrs. He asked me why i keep trying the same solution and expecting a different outcome. This was not a surgeon and he had nothing to gain by my decision to have WLS. He just showed me the fact that at 50 yrs old my chances for living were better with WLS than if I continued with the medical problems I had as a result of obesity.

    So, after much prayer and self evaluation, I took the drastic step of WLS. Only ONE DAY after my operation, I no longer had high blood pressure, no longer had high blood sugar, high cholesterol or high triglycerides. And to this day (more than a year later), I have never had those problems again. I have lost nearly 160lbs. I can now do cardio 4 days a week and strength training 2 days a week without injury. I am not, nor never have been lazy or failed to care about my weight, health and appearance i was just unable to beat the strikes I had against me with conventional diet and exercise.

    Don't get me wrong, I have known people who choose WLS are looking for a quick fix. They are not looking to make the hard changes in their lives to have lasting health and fitness. Those WLS patients may lose weight initially, but because they were not committed to a lifestyle change they will still regain the weight eventually even after WLS. I do not recommend WLS to everyone I know who is overweight. It is hard and it is not a quick fix as many believe. There are those of us that are truly committed to a healthy lifestyle and have legitamate reasons why traditional weightloss programs have not worked for us. And for us, I am grateful that science has discovered a way for us to find success in weightloss and live full and happy lives.

    NGORY07... keep up the good work! I know how hard you have worked to get where you are today as i have walked that walk as well this last year. Don't let anyone tell you that you took the easy way out. You were FIGHTING FOR YOUR VERY LIFE--and you WON! I am so very proud of you.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    Wow. Amazing story. I am so proud of you for all you have accomplished. That is fantastic!
  • Thanks for sharing your story - I can relate to it having had a traumatic childhood and messed up teens resulting in drug addiction also. Take away the drugs and there is only food. Very brave of you to share - and you are right to not be ashamed. You have made a choice that is saving your life as I am sure sou have made a number of life saving choices.

    (I had my surgery 3 years ago but it was not terribly successful in my case as I had not learned how to eat in a healthy way and thats why I am here on MFP. )
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    I know your struggle as I have lived it even though I did not have the added burden of drug addicted parents. I had WLS (gastric bypass surgery) in Nov.2010 and i also am not ashamed to tell others as it has saved my life.

    For nearly 50 years I have tried every diet and exercise program around and could only lose about 50lbs of my 325lbs and keep it off. My attempts to exercise usually left me injured. My body struggled under the weight and the many drugs I had to take to try to manage my health problems (high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, joint problems, etc.) My thyroid was removed when i was 18 y/o, and I had strong genetic link to obesity in my family as well. But, i never used those things as excuses to quit trying to lose weight.

    For more than 40 yrs I tried to lose weight the conventional way with only a minimal improvement in my health. Finally, I had a doctor tell me the truth, that if I did not try something new that i would die of obesity sooner rather than later. He laid out my odds--he showed me that metabolically it was very unlikely that I would ever lose the weight and keep it off without changing the way my metabolism functions. He told me that >90% of people who have the specific hormonal and metabolic problems that I had might lose the weight, but will gain the majority if not more back. That is what I had experience for >40 yrs. He asked me why i keep trying the same solution and expecting a different outcome. This was not a surgeon and he had nothing to gain by my decision to have WLS. He just showed me the fact that at 50 yrs old my chances for living were better with WLS than if I continued with the medical problems I had as a result of obesity.

    So, after much prayer and self evaluation, I took the drastic step of WLS. Only ONE DAY after my operation, I no longer had high blood pressure, no longer had high blood sugar, high cholesterol or high triglycerides. And to this day (more than a year later), I have never had those problems again. I have lost nearly 160lbs. I can now do cardio 4 days a week and strength training 2 days a week without injury. I am not, nor never have been lazy or failed to care about my weight, health and appearance i was just unable to beat the strikes I had against me with conventional diet and exercise.

    Don't get me wrong, I have known people who choose WLS are looking for a quick fix. They are not looking to make the hard changes in their lives to have lasting health and fitness. Those WLS patients may lose weight initially, but because they were not committed to a lifestyle change they will still regain the weight eventually even after WLS. I do not recommend WLS to everyone I know who is overweight. It is hard and it is not a quick fix as many believe. There are those of us that are truly committed to a healthy lifestyle and have legitamate reasons why traditional weightloss programs have not worked for us. And for us, I am grateful that science has discovered a way for us to find success in weightloss and live full and happy lives.

    NGORY07... keep up the good work! I know how hard you have worked to get where you are today as i have walked that walk as well this last year. Don't let anyone tell you that you took the easy way out. You were FIGHTING FOR YOUR VERY LIFE--and you WON! I am so very proud of you.

    Thanks I for sharing your story!! And u are right its not for everyone. Congrats on your success!
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    Good for you babe! Isn't it amazing how having a child can change your life in so many ways? I will share part of my story with you as well, it is similar to yours, but I have not been through even half of what you have.

    When I was 16 I started experimenting with pills and alcohol. I didn't get bad right away, just here and there to have a good time. When I was 20 I went through a very bad breakup, he was an unemployed heroin addict that I had been supporting for 2 years, and he left me for another woman that made more money than I did, therefore could buy more drugs. That is when I started drinking heavily ever night and popping pills more and more frequently. I was sleeping around, chain smoking cigarettes and pot, and not really caring about anything, and that is when I put on a lot of weight.

    About 6 months later, I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know which of the guys I was messing around with was the father. I was chugging Mike's hard lemonade to make myself have to pee so I could take test after test because I kept telling myself it was wrong. Once I finally stopped kidding myself and accepted that I was pregnant I broke down and considered abortion. My whole life I was against abortion and would have never EVER considered that, but I was panicking about the whole situation. Luckily, I could not afford it, because having that child really did turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I love my boys with all my heart, and I don't know where I would be right now without them.

    Congrats on all your accomplishments, and I pray that you continue to do well!
  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    Congratulations. You have overcome a LOT, to say the least. Way to be a better role model for your son. :smile:
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    Good for you babe! Isn't it amazing how having a child can change your life in so many ways? I will share part of my story with you as well, it is similar to yours, but I have not been through even half of what you have.

    When I was 16 I started experimenting with pills and alcohol. I didn't get bad right away, just here and there to have a good time. When I was 20 I went through a very bad breakup, he was an unemployed heroin addict that I had been supporting for 2 years, and he left me for another woman that made more money than I did, therefore could buy more drugs. That is when I started drinking heavily ever night and popping pills more and more frequently. I was sleeping around, chain smoking cigarettes and pot, and not really caring about anything, and that is when I put on a lot of weight.

    About 6 months later, I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know which of the guys I was messing around with was the father. I was chugging Mike's hard lemonade to make myself have to pee so I could take test after test because I kept telling myself it was wrong. Once I finally stopped kidding myself and accepted that I was pregnant I broke down and considered abortion. My whole life I was against abortion and would have never EVER considered that, but I was panicking about the whole situation. Luckily, I could not afford it, because having that child really did turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I love my boys with all my heart, and I don't know where I would be right now without them.

    Congrats on all your accomplishments, and I pray that you continue to do well!

    You are so awesome! Thanks for sharing. So glad I am not alone in this. Congrats on changing ur life around for your handsome boys! The Mikes thing made me cry. A month before my positive test I took one that was negative. Peed on the stick, smoked a rock, looked at the results, smoked another. Actually drinking was how I suspected I WAS pregnant because I was throwing up which I never do. I am glad both of us have made such great changes. Never going back to that life again!!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    You my dear are a true SUCCESS story. I can relate with some of your pains (my mom died from methadone and booze overdose) I was only 9. Your story was heart wrenching and beautiful all at the same time. You have a wonderful strength, and I am sure that God raised you in his love. Congratulations on all of your success, strenth and bravery!!
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    You are a truly warrior, a winner in life, a super brave beautiful strong woman, i dont even know you and i feel so proud of you (isnt that strange?)... anyways, thank you so much for sharing your story with us, i also want to say im sorry you had to go thru all that, you are amazing and your son is the cuttest thing ever! XOs
  • NewCyn
    NewCyn Posts: 153 Member
    What an inspiration. Congratulations!
  • Hope you don't mind if I reply, I didn't see a response to your question. Yes, when having "sleeve surgery" the hunger receptors in the stomach are removed so theoretically hunger is decreased. I'm sure everyone is different but I know I didn't always eat because I was hungry so there definitely is some re-education and behavior modification needed. Although I only had surgery 4 weeks ago I am adjusting to the changes. I had a few days on the full liquid diet where I was obsessed with food I couldn't have. I was searching on Pinterest, making yummy food for my family etc. it was weird, much better now but I am anxious to eat solid food again and am trying to figure out CARB replacements as I am definitely going to struggle with this part.
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