How Not To Offend!!!

So my neighbor is an older lady and she is turning 91 today... Bless her soul...

Her daughter invited everyone in the apartment building to a party for her in the common room area this afternoon to help celebrate. She is also moving next month to a new apartment building after being here for the last 20 years.. Well I found out they are serving Pizza and Cake... LOL

I don't want to make anyone feel bad if I just show up and say no to everything they offer me... I feel like I may be Offending them in some way... Would you just take a slice and a piece and nibble at it so you don't feel as if you are being rude?? I just don't know any way around this, there isn't even any other option of anything healthy to take instead... Punch, Soda Pizza and Cake..


  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I think it's unikely everybody is going to be watching what you're eating. Move around the room, talk to different people, always have something to drink in your hand (water, diet soda, tea, whatever), and remember that the party is about your neighbor, not you.

    Also you could plan it into your day - plan to have a slice of pizza and a small piece of cake and it shouldn't ruin your diet. If that doesn't work, tell the few people who notice or ask that you're getting your cholesterol checked the next day and have to fast.
  • rdeleon419
    bring something you CAN eat. large salad to share, raw veggies with lowfat dip etc.
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    I like the "I have to fast/watch what I eat for blood work" idea. I'll have to borrow it :)
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 223 Member
    my advice would be to eat something before you go so you are not hungry. Then just grab a drink when you get there and tell them you already ate and are not hungry. If you feel rude a slice of pizza will not be so bad. :) Yesterday was my bosses bday and they brough him cupcakes and brought me some to my desk after (they were mini) i took the 2 and when they offered more i said no thanks im full. (but inside i wanted them all! lol)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If there was free pizza I'd definitely eat it. But if I didn't want to eat it, I'd simply thank them and say you ate something earlier that isn't agreeing with you so you think you should skip the pizza for now. Who is going to encourage you to eat when you are feeling a little "squirrely"?
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    "no thanks"...if they push you after that then THEY are the one's being rude not you. No need to lie, just tell them you don't want it, you don't need to tell them it's because you're eating healthy or you "don't eat that" just pass. sounds like there will be enough people there that they wont even notice
  • DreaminOfAngels
    I might be mean and evil, but I am super honest, and I really wish more people would be. I would just tell them that I was watching what I eat, want to get and stay healthy. I think deceit is more offensive than honesty. I also realize that not everyone feels that way, and that life is not always that easy, but I don't live mine to make everyone else happy, I live mine to make me happy. Good luck!
  • cryspetstalerson
    If they ask you why you are not eating, then you should just say " I can't eat what is here due to health reasons" If they push further, tell them that pizza and cake doesn't agree with you. Or as someone else said, bring a large salad you can share. Maybe even buy a veggie or fruit platter.
    It's all about how you word it.