Paul Deen vs. Anthony Bourdain - Diabetes Issue

I love both of these people; however, I totally support Anthony Bourdain's view. Here's why:

In September 2011, just four months ago, after being diagnosed with being prediabetic (Type 2), I put my research "cap" on and found out that I could BEAT this via healthy nutrition AND exercise. It is a medical fact that Type 2 Diabetes is reversible. I refuse to be a slave to "BIG PHARM" -- I will beat this!

Paula Deen has been sitting on this (diabetes) for three years now -- come on! You've got to be kidding! The fact that she continues to rake in money related to her high-fat cookbooks and restaurants speaks volumes. Proactive? I think not. Will she be receiving her diabetes drugs gratis? Probably.

Fact: One of my co-workers told me that he takes five different meds related to his Type 2 Diabetes. He said that whenever he wants to indulge (carbs), he injects himself with an extra dose of insulin. How crazy is that? No f---ing willpower! (By the way, his meds are free, being that he's a veteran.) (He also eats a lot of fast food and keeps a jar of M&M Peanuts on his desk.)

Last season's Biggest Loser showed two contestants who were diagnosed with having Type 2 Diabetes when the show began. At the end of the show, these same two contestants had reversed their Type 2 Diabetes 100 percent! Amazing!

Yes, I know that some people are going to bring up the fact that Anthony Bourdain is not a poster child for health being as he smokes, but I do admire Anthony Bourdain's blatant honesty on Paul Deen/Novo Nordisk because it does warrant close scrutiny..

I'm not buying into Paula Deen's defense regarding her decision to keep quiet in order to become educated on the condition before taking it public -- It took me less than one week to become "educated" on the facts.

Paula Deen said, "I made the choice at the time to keep it close to me, to keep it close to my chest. I felt like I had nothing to offer anybody other than the announcement. I wasn't armed with enough knowledge. I knew when it was time, it would be in God's time." .....Seriously?!.

"I don't care what the haters and naysayers say," Deen told the newspaper. "If they make jokes about me, I'll laugh because they'll probably be funny."

There is absolutely nothing funny about this. Nothing.

I cannot and will not endorse and/or purchase any of her products.


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    When someone cooks a cheese burger and puts it between 2 doughnuts I just can support them. He is right in this one. Although I would not eat 99% of the foods he eats on his shows either.
    I guess She is just trying to make as much money as she can.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Doesnt' anthony SMOKE? lmao
  • I love love love Anthoyny Bourdain. He def has some room for improvemetns on his own life, but to each their own, as lons as he is happy.

    But I totally back him on his comments about Paul Deen
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    Doesnt' anthony SMOKE? lmao

    Yes, he does. (I mentioned this in my post.) Nobody is perfect. Sigh.
  • Bourdain isn't healthy. He smokes like a chimmney like a lot of Paula Deen defenders have pointed out. However, he didn't smoke like chimmney, advertise cigarettes as part of a 'moderate' lifestyle, hide having lung cancer for three years, then own up to it after becoming a shill for a Chemotherapy drug.

    I don't fault Paula Deen for the recipes she had on her show, eating and excercise habits, or getting diabetes as a result. However, its fundamentally dishonest to hide the results of that for three years. A month sure, get a grasp, tell your family and sponsors first. I get that. Two months because its hard to come to terms with. Fine. Three years because you had nothing to offer anyone. How about a little honesty about the result of your lifestyle?

    Everyone should know at this point if you ate what she cooked, it was a big risk. Still, it was wrong not to disclose it sooner.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Doesnt' anthony SMOKE? lmao

    He quit years ago.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Anthony Bourdain thinks it's funny to sneak meat into food served to known vegetarians.

    What a great guy he is.

    And Anthony does still smoke. Just maybe not cigarrettes. And makes no secret of it.
  • Its her health and well-being and no one elses. She doesn't force people to make her recipes or eat in her restaurants, they choose to. He has no right to say anything about her or her food. What business is it of his? With so much information out about food, smoking, drinking, etc., no one can do anything and say they didn't know. Everything is a choice. He chooses to smoke and drink. She chooses to eat. Everyone has their vices.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    anthony still drinks. Which is fine to me.

    Right up until he crticizes others about their health. He doens't have all healthy foods on his show either
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Paula Deen is a very savvy business woman, she kept this hidden for this long, and now her son has a healthy version of her meals on the Cooking channel, and she's already got deals with medical companies. She may lose some fans, but good grief she figured out how to capitalize on it!

    Also, anyone who DIDN'T realize fried butter with a side of mayo-sour cream-cheese dip on double battered deep fried bread was bad....needs to be slapped.

    I will attest to the fact her pecan praline cheesecake recipe-amazing. But her food is defiantely not something ANYONE should eat daily. Duh.

    And Anthony Bourdain has eaten bugs, stil lwriggling fish, and lower intestine. So his opinion on anyone elses eating habits can be dismissed.