Vitamins. Are you taking them?



  • shira324
    shira324 Posts: 156 Member
    Taking vitamins can be very important, especially for women. I had my doctor do a blood work-up, and she found that I'm Vitamin D deficient. So I take that as well as folic acid, since I'm trying to get pregnant. Most women also need to add calcium to their diet as well.

    Multi-vitamins do have value, but I would check with your doctor, there may be specific things your body needs.
  • andreacord
    I supplement but I get a broad array from the foods I eat too. Currently I'm taking a liquid Vitamin B sublingual, GTF Chromium, Women's Multi and Apple Cidar Vinegar. :)
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    I don't take any fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E or K. I only take anything my body can get rid of easily in urine and doesn't store in fat such as B, C and minerals.
  • katcassidy
    katcassidy Posts: 3 Member
    In nursing school we learned that you take a glass of vinegar and put your vitamin in it. After 17 minutes if the pill is still intact (like a gel cap) youre probably going to pass it completely and not get anything of whats inside.

    If the pill is disintegrated completely you know the nutrients will be free to be absorbed as it hits the upper part of the small intestine.

    My auntie works at a water treatment plant and they have to stop production every hour or so to SCRAPE the build up of gel capsules off the filters because a lot of people don't break them down.

    something to think about before you decide on a vitamin.

    But I also agree with probiotics- I take one called GoodBelly Shot that has your day's supplies of vitamins in it.
  • Tiffany919
    Tiffany919 Posts: 51 Member
    If you are going to take a multivitamin, don't waste your money on the typical cheap one-a-day you'd find at the grocery store or pharmacy. Order a good one online or go to the health food store. I take Rainbow Light women's multivitamin. I also take vitamin D3 and probiotics.
    +1. i also take these (never upset my stomach) and i'm switching to the new chapter women's one. rainbow has the iron (and calcium), but iron can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients in the vitamin. so i'm going to try and get the iron and calcium in my diet separately either by food or supplement later in the day.
  • gillybumbler
    I take Carlson's Cod Liver Oil, Kal Probiotics, Source Naturals D-3 (only in the winter), and Nature's Way B-Complex (because I had a B deficiency...which this vitamin helped)
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I just got a full blood workup. Found out that I am severely lacking in iron my level was 3.5 and I should be between 9-35. The iron is causing me to be anemic which I also was not aware of and I am also low on vitamin B12. I would get a full blood work up if you are worried so you can pinpoint the reason for your lack of energy. If you are just lacking in vitamins, it is easy to fix.
  • gillybumbler
    If you are going to take a multivitamin, don't waste your money on the typical cheap one-a-day you'd find at the grocery store or pharmacy. Order a good one online or go to the health food store. I take Rainbow Light women's multivitamin. I also take vitamin D3 and probiotics.

    I agree with you! Fillers and toxic additives are bad! We also make sure that our vitamins don't contain things we are allergic to (gluten, soy, eggs etc) I love Rainbow Light! My son takes their nutri stars. It is a very good product.
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
    There's no real proof that vitamins do anything beneficial.

    My suggestion is to figure out whether or not your diet is deficient, and fix it. If you can't realistically correct any deficiency through diet, then think about supplements.

    Agree! I well balanced diet actually provides all the average person needs. Just like any other flaw a person can have though, a person can have a deficit even while eating healthy. The typical average person though doesn't need any vitamins as long as they eat healthy. And yes it has been proven.

    This is no longer true there is less vitamins in our food as we have depleated our soil and such. Even if we eat totally organic everything we couldn't get all we need.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    While the results of your n=1 study are intriguing, they don't change my opinion.

    Not trying to change anyone's opinion just saying this old man is looking younger, I'm Glad!..........
  • sarahdawnross
    sarahdawnross Posts: 13 Member
  • sarahdawnross
    sarahdawnross Posts: 13 Member
    Regardless of the arguement at hand there's really no drawbacks to taking a multivitamin as far as I can tell.

    I take the gummy kind because they actually taste decent and I hate the giant pills you have to swallow. The gummies are the first ones I've actually taken every single day without fail for more than a few days. In fact its been nearly a month now probably.

    Not sure how strict you are being with your diet, but beware that most gummy vitamins are loaded with sugar.
  • PaulaButHag
    I take Nature Make Daily Women's Pack - this is what is in the 4 pills in it
    Vitamin A 3,000 IU Magnesium 100 mg
    Vitamin C 670 mg Zinc 15 mg
    Vitamin D 400 IU Selenium 50 mcg
    Vitamin E 60 IU Copper 2 mg
    Vitamin K 10 mcp Manganese 2 mg
    Thiamin 18 mg Chromium 120 mcg
    Riboflavin 13.6 mg Molybdenum 25 mcg
    Niacin 70 mg Chloride 72 mg
    Vitamin B6 9 mg Potassium 80 mg
    Folic Acid 400 mcg Boron 150 mcg
    Vitamin B12 25 mcg Nickel 5 mg
    Botin 30 mcg Silicon 2 mg
    Panthothenic Acid 20 mg Tin 10 mcg
    Calcium 800 mg Vanadium 10 mcg
    Phosphorus 48 Mg Lutein 250 mcg
    Iodine 150 mcg

    Vitamin B Complex
    B1 50 mg B6 50 mg
    B2 50 mg Folic Acid 400 mcg
    Niacin 50 mg B12 50 mcg
    Biotin 50 mcg Pantotheric Acid 50 mg

    Biotin 1000 mcg

    Iron 65 mg

    I know this sounds like a lot, but I do feel better when I take them regularly. I take the multi pack, Iron and extra Biotin at night because they make my tummy feel weird if I take them in the mornings. I take the B-Complex in the mornings with my breakfast.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Also, for the people that are JUST taking vitamin D pills or have a vitamin D deficiency, try going outside in the sun for at least 30 minutes a day (with sunblock on, of course!) A lot of people have desk jobs or jobs that require them inside, and then they go home, eat and what-have-you, maybe workout, and usually indoors. Vitamin D is needed by the body, but the body doesn't actually make it. The sun, however, does for you! If you don't like taking a vitamin, try just simply getting out more!
  • afavors02
    I am currently taking

    Probiotic Acidophilus with Pectin
    Regular daily vitamins
    Waiting on an order for Cranberry vitamins.