PSA: Coffee



  • What the heck?! That picture looks like chocolate not coffee, how do I get coffee like that?!
  • MaynardLD50
    MaynardLD50 Posts: 36 Member
    I just recently started drinking my coffee black and it's amazing. If I really want to enjoy it? Totally going to get flamed for this, Grande Skinny Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks extra hot = 130 calories = sweet sweet heaven in my mouth ( I know it's not really coffee, but's ITS SO F'ING GOOD)
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member

    (this message brought to you by a *real seattleite* ;D)
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    What the heck?! That picture looks like chocolate not coffee, how do I get coffee like that?!

    It's espresso :D MMMM tastes like chocolate.
  • Okay yum! I feel like I am missing out just drinkin plain ol Foldgers now lol
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    I :heart: my Nespresso machine :drinker: I just add a dash of skimmed milk and good to go :bigsmile: 3 mugs of it per day, never miss a mug :laugh:
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I have an iRoast2 also. I can't wait for it to break so I can justify getting a Behmor :)
    Agreed — those are very nice roasters!
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    My doctor once suggested that I take coffee out of my diet, I told her it would mean a death sentence to my co-workers and my family. lol Not gonna happen! I drink my coffee with french vanilla creamer.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    making coffee for my double espresso vodka. i win