Reasonable routine to combine c25k, strength/lifting, and ot

Hi all,
So in my quest for weight loss and fitness, I have found myself getting more ambitious as I encounter more success. I'm nearly 30 lbs down (just under halfway to my goal weight), and the more I incorporate fitness into my lifestyle, the more I want to do. I have done a ton of research online and been reading forums both here and on, and I'm trying to design a program for myself that will (safely, sanely) allow me to reach my various goals. The more I learn and do, the more goals I have, so I'm looking for advice on how to create a routine that will help me reach as many goals as I can. Here's what I want to do:

-Complete an obstacle course 5k in May (preferably run it, but I'm not opposed to walking some/most of it)
-Be able to run a mile without stopping
-Lose another 30 lbs or so
-Do a pull-up (unassisted)
-Reduce bodyfat percentage to under 25% (currently around 35%)
-Be stronger and more awesome

Right now I'm not following any prescribed routine or program, and have been mixing together things that I enjoy. I do weights/strength training 2-3 days a week, plus cardio about 3 days a week; sometimes they're on the same day, sometimes not. I run outside sometimes but I am not at a level where I can do that for any real period of time. I don't particularly enjoy running on a treadmill, but I do find it easier to run for longer periods on it compared to running outside. I have not yet started c25k. In general, here are things I already do:

-Elliptical machine or similar AMT machine
-TurboJam cardio kickboxing DVDs
-Upper body exercises with free weights
-Assisted chin-ups (machine)
-Upper and lower body exercises on machines

I worry that trying to reach all of my goals in the same routine(s) will be overwhelming or injury-inducing. The Couch-to-5k program has 3 training days a week. If I incorporate strength training for my upper body on those days, then do lower body on the off days and maybe low-impact cardio, then I guess I could do it, but I'm worried that without enough rest between strenuous workouts that I will hurt myself. I can realistically workout 4 or 5 days a week, maybe 6 if I really find a sequence I enjoy and don't get annoyed with. I have a gym membership (no track or pool, but lots of machines and weights), so that helps.

What would you guys recommend? My fitness level is still pretty low and my lifting ability is novice at best. I am not ready for barbells but I'm interested in incorporating them when I have more upper body strength and better core strength. I am torn between focusing on being able to run and maybe trying to do distance running (rather ambitious since my “distance” right now is best measured in feet) or focusing on strength training. My weight loss has become more a side effect of my training rather than the main goal…if I try to do any of these things (and keep track of my calories), I will lose weight, so there’s no need to make it a priority, if that makes sense. Does anyone have any insight here?

[the topic was supposed to say "other cardio"...if there's a character limit, then write the code the cuts off the typing! Sigh.]


  • ambut
    ambut Posts: 49 Member
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    im finding it hard to incorporate cardio with my strength training. I do squats at least 2x a week so my legs are aching on off days and feel like they need the rest before i do squats again. So no running or bike

    i suppose i could try swimming ....... but thats a pain in the as s

    sorry, not much help. am i? lol
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    You may hear a lot of the pros say: "There is no such thing as over training, just under eating"

    As long as you are getting your sleep and eating enough you should be fine. You seem like you are going about this perfectly. Doing your own research is a big part of understanding our own bodies. For your lifts i would recommend 5x5. You get your lifting done fast and it doesn't get super hard for a month or so; allowing you to perfect your form.
  • RvCanada
    RvCanada Posts: 2 Member
    I recommend a book called "Younger next year for women". It's all about fitness.
  • I'm on week 2 of C25K and am also trying to be able to do a pull up unassisted. I am finding trying to get strong difficult because I don't know if I'm doing the right exercises for it. I think my main way I'm strengthening for it is by using the lap pull down machine at the gym.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I am currently on week 2 of c25k i was further but had to stop for medical reasons.... i am also trying to figure out a lifting routine on the off days and having 1 rest day....