Really Tired?

I've been on MFP for 3 weeks now and today maybe just one of those days, but I'm really, really tired. I have absolutely no energy and my brain seems to have left the building. I am eating all of my calories (I've actually been over the past two days) and eating a wide variety of foods. I also exercise 6 days a week and burn anywhere from 200-400 calories a day which I eat back.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this - again - it maybe just the weather.


  • sousaness
    sousaness Posts: 8 Member
    i am finding that eating something with high fiber prevents this, the first couple of days I could barely function... apples and fiber one bars give me the energy I need. I was at 12 diet cokes a day and went to 0 cold turkey... so I had a lot of caffeine to make up for.