What do you think when someone on MFP is losing too fast?



  • I started at 246.2 and lost 90 pounds in 6 months without surgery! Its all about getting off your butt, and eating right. Nothing magical about it. I then lost another 6 pounds over the next month +(after having back problems)..Some people are "all in" and go full blown when they do something. I am now about 150ish and have been maintaining since late aug of 2011. It can be done in a healthy fashion :)
    I agree. When I eat right and exercise daily I can lose between 3 and 4 lbs a week. It is unhealthy if you are eating too few calories or overworking yourself at the gym, but the main focus of this site is making sustainable changes. So if you can get the weight off that fast safely and maintain it for the long haul then cheers! :drinker: and congratulations!!!
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 175 Member
    Everyone is differant...everyone looses their weight differently...don't be to concentrated on everyone else...care about yourself and know what you are doing is right for you...to each it's own...and stop judging people!!!! lol
  • I have to chime in here. I started my life change plan on Monday. I weighed myself today and I was down 3.2lbs. I work out twice a day (no where near killing myself, well, except for the 30 Day Shred, that kills me) and have been tracking my calories and drinking my water and doing everything I am suppose to be. I feel like 3.2lbs in 3 days might be too much too fast but it is what it is and I am not starving myself or have had any kind of surgery!

    usually the first 5-10 lbs come off fast bc your body is adjusting to your new lifestyle. After you have done this for a few weeks it will regulate itself to 1-2 lbs per week (unless your body is crazy *unlike mine* and keeps going at a faster rate)
  • BIGRR70
    BIGRR70 Posts: 1 Member
    I started January 1st and have basically lost a pound a day. I totally agree with the heavier you are, the faster you drop the weight intially. My wife started the same time as me and has less weight to lose and is doing the same routine as me but she's not nearly having the same weight loss results as me.
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    While dieting and exercising without cheating I can lose 4lbs. I don't think anyone should question my weight loss if I did it, either.
  • Oh yeah, and for those of us with blood pressure problems, its not uncommon to lose up to 8 lbs in the first week of dieting (I've done it). Yes it's mostly water weight, but it still drops that weight fast.
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    :huh: I'd think it's none of my damn business, don't know about you.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    The bigger you are the easier it is for the weight to drop in larger numbers. When I was 85lbs heavier there were two different weeks where I lost 5lbs. I was losing no less than 2lbs the rest of the time until I got closer to my goal then the weight finally slowed down. However it took me a year in a half to lose all 85lbs. Still can't lose the last 15lbs (damn it!) but I've managed to keep it off for over 3.5 years. Depends on the person weight varies. The more you have to lose the easier it'll come off. It is much better to get it off then keep it on!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    Some people may have Health Issues that Mandate FAST Wt. Loss...MANY are not just trying to look good for the summer or spring break or fit into size X Jeans...all that stupid bull. Many people have REAL Health Issues. So STOP trying to put Everyone into One Bag on how to take care of their Health and the Best way to do it.

    Why do you think it is "stupid bull" for people who do NOT have "real health concerns" to want to get into shape? There is nothing wrong with skinnier people wanting to get fit or toned. It's so they can feel good about themselves & you shouldn't judge these people by just assuming that it's for "spring break". I see it a lot, there's all kinds of people on here, some to maintain, some to lose, even to gain. Maybe you might want to re-think your opinion on what is stupid or not....
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    The 'too good to be true' stories are definitely fun to read but it would be beneficial to know the circumstances of such a rapid weight loss and the methods used. Personally, these type of weight loss stories both encourage and discourage me. I've been working with MFP for only 16 days now and I find myself getting discouraged that I've only lost under 6 lbs and I'm not seeing a huge shift on the scale every day. Logically, this is a ridiculous way to feel but sometimes when I read about these rapid weight losses, it throws me into that idiotic thinking.

    In short, knowing the method and circumstance behind these rapid losses would be very informative and helpful.
    please don't be discouraged, 5-6 pounds in 16 days is a great acheivement! just remember there are all sorts of ways to lose weight and if ur doing it the healthy way then thats all that matters! stay focused :)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    :huh: I'd think it's none of my damn business, don't know about you.

    ^ THIS.
  • I don't know their story, but when you are over 365lbs like me, even eating right and exercise all the right way. You are gonna just drop more. If someone slightly overweight can drop 1-2 lbs per week someone double or triple their size can easily do 2-4 or more. Its not unhealthy for their weight.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    it is very possible the person that is losing 4 pounds a week on average had weight loss surgery and is being monitored closely by their doctors and nutritionists.

    So, unless i know all the facts, I am not going to judge anyone's weight loss...


    This. Now if someone said, "I lost all the weight by shackling myself to the treadmill 24/7 and eating nothing but dried toast three times a day" I might worry. Well maybe I wouldn't worry about the treadmill part. I'm soooo unmotivated to exercise right now I might try it, with the off switch out of reach!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If one does not know all the details about a person's journey, I don't think it is fair to reflexively criticize them or question their methods because they don't follow what you perceive as "the rules".
  • Every case is individual and there aren't enough facts here to base a decision on.

    In other words...

    Move along... these aren't the droids you're looking for.

    I agree wholeheartedly!!!! Move on, and it's not your business in anycase of who loses and how much weight they lose. It is their own business on how they do it!!!!

    MFP is not here so that you can critizise other people or the way they lose weight. I am sure we are all well informed as to what is good for us and what is not.

    Rather look for subjects that are encouraging and positive to talk about than critisize or question the successes of others!!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I know what you mean. I have been actually trying since Jan.3rd.I have lost 10lbs. But I KNOW that is because of a total, complete change in a very unhealthy lifestyle. My weight now should settle in for a couple a week although I would rather it be faster
  • I only joined a week ago and had 2 bad failed days out of that so i have restricted my food intake for just a few days whilst taking vitamins so when i do start eating a proper diet i will not hunger for so much food as i will be eating more, this isnt for everyone and i wouldnt advise it to anyone but it is right for me at this time i have lost 7lbs but i was 218lbs and yes most of that is probably water weight. I do not agree with longterm restriction i do not feel that it would be my place to tell them they are wrong only to give advice, i have done it myself before and my hair fell out due to malnutriton, took ages to grow back scared me sensless, so will not be doing it again but everyone is entitled to do what they feel is right for them :)
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    Well, look at it like this... is it better to be 100+ pounds overweight (killing yourself) or lose a pound a week too fast?? I was 250 pounds overweight and lost 100 pounds in 5 months... yeah, very fast, but I was literally dying. When someone is extremely overweight, I say get it off! I see my doctor every month and they do blood tests, etc and They say everlything (heart, levels, etc) are great! For someone that doesn't have much to lose, I say do 2-3 pounds a week. But otherwise, do what you gotta do to get healthy.
    so true! Michelle Bridges from Australias Biggest Loser used to have the opinion that it's not healthy to lose too quickly but now she says that the quicker u get it off the better as u won't lose motivation and, like u said, reduce/eliminate their risks of dying from obesity related issues.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    :huh: I'd think it's none of my damn business, don't know about you.

    ^^^this right here :laugh:
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Here's something that I'm frustrated with -

    Many, many people on this site are supportive about "smart" ways to lose weight, i.e. don't diet change your lifestyle, aim for 1-2 pounds a week, exercise, etc.

    I just saw a post of someone's 'success story' with pictures. Now, don't get me wrong, this person looked AMAZING, and I'm sure they (literally) worked their butt off. But then when you read the post, you see they lost 100 pounds in 6 months - that's about 4 pounds a week for half a year. I do realize that everyone is different, and maybe there isn't anything going on here, but it does seem like a bit of a red flag to me.

    What really bugged me, is that in hundreds of comments, all I saw was "You go girl!" and "OMG you look HOT I am so jealous!!" Nothing about any health concerns, or asking how she did it. And maybe that's just how it is - that the purpose of MFP is to be supportive of whatever goals people have reached, without digging too deep into the process. But to me it just seems to stink of a bit of hypocrisy - like we're all preaching 'slow and steady' but secretly supporting the idea that the faster you can lose weight, the better.

    I'm sure there's many sides to this story, so what are your thoughts? What do you think when you see someone on MFP with "too good to be true" stories?

    It could be that they lost a great amount in the first few weeks and then it settled down to between 1 to 3lbs per week.

    The heavier somebody is, the faster it comes off at the beginning.