How do you find motivation?

Got to the gym today... did 5 minutes warm up and 5 rounds of 5x5 dead lifts with heavier weight each round. By the end, I had enough and just couldn't find the motivation to do the last half (the metcon) of my workout. How do others handle this? My trainer would've said "Unacceptable! Kill it and drill it!" Couldn't bring myself ot do it though, even with his voice in my head. Anyone have a magic trick to motivate themselves if they lose it in the middle of a workout?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Ya gotta really want it.
  • Enchantedpoetess
    If it's not working for my and I can't push through it, I quit and pick up where I left off the next day. If I loose it in the middle of a work out, I quit and continue the next day and hopefully get a bit further. The important thing is to avoid "burnout" to where you won't go back for months. It's better to quit a bit early in a work out and continue the next day than push yourself through and discourage yourself for a month or more.
  • chocol8doll
    chocol8doll Posts: 14 Member
    I get motivation from competing with myself. I will go longer than I did the last time.