Please look at my diary for today



  • CrystalBonner
    CrystalBonner Posts: 39 Member
    Hello, I would agree with most that you need to get more protein in your diet. I know one thing that also works for me is I take vitamins everyday and make sure I have either a protein shake or bar. Hope this helps.
  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm no expert, but here's my take. Your carbs are pretty high and most of the carbs came from processed foods. Processed carbs and sugar digest very easily and usually have high glycemic indexes. Carbs that come naturally (e.g. an apple, brown rice, quinoa) will digest slower (your body has to work harder to digest them) and they increase your insulin levels less. Natural complex carbs generally come with more fiber than processed foods and fiber will help you feel full longer.

    I am not a fan of low carb diets but I do try to get my carbs from nature, not a box. Your protein is also pretty low (based on your goals). You should have a good mix of protein, complex carbs, and fiber with every meal. For example, a snack of 1/2 an apple, 8-10 almonds, and a light string cheese totals <200 calories and will keep me feeling full for a few hours. For me, mixing protein with fiber will always make me feel full and keep me feeling that way longer.

    My final comment would be that what you eat for breakfast can set the stage for how you feel (and what you crave) for the entire day. PACK you breakfast with protein, fiber, and fewer carbs. If you want hot cereal, go for a multi-whole grain oatmeal, eat a smaller serving and complement it with an egg (hard boiled or egg beaters) or a serving of Greek yogurt (2x more protein and usually less than 1/2 the sugar of regular yogurt).

    Good luck!
  • rygma2010
    more protein, less carbs..
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    You are on the right track. I would increase protein and add more fiber foods like fresh veggies, that is really good at filling you up. Quick protein foods are peanut butter, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, we like Pure Protein bars and Avocado is the perfect food for fiber and protein. good luck keep looking around here and you'll get lots of good ideas. This is the best place to get help and support.
  • vickie28
    vickie28 Posts: 68 Member
    I can't see your diary-- it is only for friends -- but what I'm reading it sounds like protein should help- maybe up your fiber intake--I bought some Chobani greek yogurt today ( never had greek yogurt before-- been reading a lot of good things about it ) it is 6 oz. & has 14 grams of protein & 20 Carbs-- great combo for your quick breakfast-- 140 calories :)
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    One thing to look at is how much of that came out of a package or a box. That will also keep your mind on track. Try to eat as much as possible that is packaged with a peel :)

    I agree. When I eat more "prepackaged" food, I never feel like I get enough to eat!! But I can eat an entire plate full of carrots, bell pepper and celery with ranch and peanut butter to dip it in and only be in for 350 or so calories!

    my 2 cents is more protein, and less processed food.

    good luck!
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Way too many carbs. Ditch those carb loaded 100 calorie snack packs.

    I'd add more protein and less pre-packaged. Personally, Healthy Choice / Lean Cuisine do NOTHING for me b/c they have very little protein, and tons of sodium (who wants water weight?!)

    For protein - a handful of nuts (MODERATION), cottage cheese, greek yogurt...

    I upped my calories / protein this week and lost 3 lbs since Monday. I was having days like you describe today, and it was making me very nervous on making this work...and now, I'm no where near as hungry!
    Yeah, I had some chicken for a snack last night, but hey, it's better than Doritos. L OL (I also need to do some cupboard re-stocking!)

    Good luck.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    I had one of those days where i was hungry all day and wanted to eat everything in sight. I dont know why. I decided to listen to my body and just eat, but I made sure I made good choices-- at least the extra calories would be good ones.

    You can check out my diary too.. I went way over my limit on January 10. I usually go over by a little bit because MFP has me at 1200, but on Jan 10, I was over by more than 900 and I didn't even workout that week.
  • margoasay
    margoasay Posts: 2 Member
    I think you are eating too many carbs and not enough protein - stay away from the pasta and eat more protein like chicken, eggs. etc. At least thats my suggestion. Good luck!
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    Wow, I am so overwhelmed by all this help!!!! Thank you all so much!!! I can't say enough how awesome this site is.

    I have noticed that the days that I eat all non-processed food, I'm not as hungry. It's just hard when I'm trying to get 2 kids out the door, and I have limited time to eat at work (I'm a medical assistant, so I don't get a lot of down time). I'm definitely struggling to get good, wholesome food packed and set to go for the day.

    I'm still reading through everything, you all have so many great ideas....but definitely will be trying to get more protein in!!!
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    More fruit and veg and water will help as well as more protein compared to carbs.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    I looked at your 1500 cal day and then looked at one of my 1200 cal days and wait til you see how much food is 1200 cal if you choose healthier choices ! My code is 1234. I do the zig zag method and I exercise ALOT .... So don't compare anything else ... just look at 1/16/2012 for an idea of how much food can fill you up on less calories. I also have 1500 cal days and 1800 cal days. Hope this gives you some sort of insight as to what helps keep your belly satisfied ! :smile:
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    The low protein and high processed foods pop out ... I'm not angel when it comes to eating healthy! lol ... I have my off and on days ... but that's what I see when I look at it ... 1500 calories of fuel, but not of really good fuel.
    I normally log my food on WW's site, but wanted to see how my day measured up on MFP....would you please check out my diary today and tell me what you think? Today has been a struggle, I'm absolutely starving and just want to eat everything I see, it's not cravings and it's not emotional eating, I am physically extremely hungry, and yet I ate 1500 calories today so I don't understand why. I'd love any insight and assistance, thank you!
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello! I would agree with previous comments in that you are carb heavy so I would definitely say be sure to add more protein - try and add protein to each meal. Try greek yogurt, almonds, pistachios, chicken breast, tofu, etc. Also, beans, lentils, legumes are good sources of protein as well as fiber. Speaking of fiber, I would suggest adding a little more. Also, packaged and more processed foods tend to have more calories. Definitely work more fruits and vegetables into your diet - as with protein try to have fruit and/or vegetables with each meal. If you want, I can share my diary with you. By adding protein with each meal plus fruits and vegetables,my meals are very filling - all on 1600 calories per day.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    not enough complex carbs (whole grains) or protein. quick protein fixes: salmon (grilled, smoked, whatever!), nuts, natural yoghurt, avocado, baked beans, eggs, cheese, hummus, tofu, tuna (those little tins are quick and easy), cottage cheese etc. here's a good list:

    your diet looks a bit 'thin' to me. i wouldn't be full from that either. make sure you're not eating too much processed food. cook yourself as much as you can. grilled tuna/salmon/steak/tofu and salad (with some avo or cheese) takes around 10 mins to prepare and it's full of good things.

    Nice link above. I am a big fan of protein, helps me stay full so much longer. Thanks for posting.
  • mindymoore1975
    i agree w the more protein but sometime i still feel hungry especially earlier in the day and i find that if i drink a cup of coffee or hot tea that will curb my appetite but i only have that once a day so if i get hungry again i will just down a bottle of water and that holds me longer
  • tssa
    tssa Posts: 93 Member
    I totally agree with everyone about the carbs. You should definitely incorporate more protein and fiber helps you keep full for a longer amount of time. Try to load up on veggies, fresh frutis, greek yogurt, beans, etc. I see that you use SkinnyTaste. She has really awesome crockpot bean recipes.

    Sidenote: Beware of those "100 calorie" snack foods. Although they may be low in WW points they contain alot of "enriched white/bleach flour" which your body absorbs as a starch. It's nothing but a refined carb. You can try other low cal snack options like the yogurt that was mentioned. You can even make your own "corn nuts" by baking chickpeas and seasoning them. Yum-O! I found that recipe on SkinnyTaste as well.

    Hope this helps! Good luck to you.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I feel you on having a hard time with lunches! Where I work, there are no microwaves available, and often not even a fridge, so it makes eating healthy a challenge. To give you some ideas, I really like the Starkist tuna packs. Really easy, high protein, and they are already drained so I can eat it straight from the package. I also pack fresh fruits, nuts, and recently I've been on a Wheat Thins kick (the 100% whole grain, reduced fat. They are actually rather sweet, so I often save them for "dessert"). If you have access to a fridge, greek yogurt (Chobani is my favorite brand), string cheese, beans, etc are good. PB&J can live without a fridge, and the PB will help keep you fuller longer.

    All of these can be eaten quickly. A handful of nuts is easily eaten on the go!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    too much dairy and carbs, not enough protein from other sources that would keep you full longer.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I would say you definitely need more protein. I would say that you could add some cheese. I find that the string cheese (skim based) is a good grab and go option. Chobani is great! You could also add a handful of nuts like almonds or pistachios. Sometimes when I'm super hungry I need to add a little bit of healthy fat like avocado.

    Good luck!