Eating whole wheat, oatmeal, margerine, and splenda is bad?



  • NatashaK29
    I get so sick of hearing the word "bad" foods - one of my favorite things one of my instructors always said to me was "there are no bad foods, only bad diets." all of these in moderation are okay -- just not all four at every meal! See where I'm going with this? In terms of splenda -- artificial sweeteners are and have been controversial for many years with scientific studies that have been anything but conclusive either way. Take everything you read with a grain of salt .. or splenda :)

  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    did I hear unsweetened tea? that's sacrilege!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Anything in excess is bad, but of course not all foods are created equal. Plain oatmeal and whole wheat are just moderation. Splenda has much controversy, and I did switch to stevia lately because it takes less to sweeten with. As to whether or not it is "safe", we will see. The margarine vs. butter debate will go on for ages, but I personally prefer using healthy oils such as olive to cook with and choose to use applesauce in my baking. Sometimes though, I want a pat of butter, and I have moderation.

    Flavored oatmeals contain sugar and unneccesary calories, but if it is the only way you can choke down some complex carbs, then do moderation.

    The key to a healthy diet is all things in moderation, and balance fats, protiens, complex carbs, veggies, and fruits.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I can't really eat plain oatmeal, but I am doing well on the maple/brown sugar variety. yeah, it has a few more calories. but I can use two packets in the morning, made with skim milk, and still use up just 360 calories for a meal that fills me up really well.
  • mugsisme
    mugsisme Posts: 127 Member
    Um, I eat oatmeal every single day. I eat it plain, with 15 raspberries. It is my favorite food of the day, the thing I look forward to.

    I also eat a whole wheat something ... a sandwich thin, a pita, something. For me personally, I need some carbs, or I feel hungry.

    Splenda is not healthy because it is an artificial sweetener. There is a lot of research, and I posted an article about it a couple of weeks ago. The opinion seems to be a little won't hurt, not more than say two cans of diet soda a day. (I personally think that is too much, but that is JMHO.)

    Margarine on the hand, is a solid fat. It is probably better for you than say lard or crisco. But it is still not healthy. It is not something your body needs and thrives on. It just makes food taste better. (I am referring more to the stick type margarine than say the spreads.) Again, moderation is the key. Once in a blue moon, I will spread a drop of Benacol on my whole wheat roll for a little treat. (I am at my goal weight and just working on maintaining, not losing.)
  • frankhuerta
    frankhuerta Posts: 18 Member
    I don't eat splenda anymore because it increases my craving for sweets
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    There are "bad foods". If they arent foods.

    Spenda isnt a food. Its a chemical created in a lab. I stopped putting fake food in my body for that reason.

    Whole wheat isnt "bad", but it raises your glycogen above the optimal level so it turns to fat more easily. If you eat it, but be warned.

    Margarine can contain trans fats and isnt as good as butter. And butter (or most dairy) isnt really good for you either, but better than margarine.

    I try to only eat foods now days that can spoil if kept over a week in open air. There are a few exceptions as I cannot make almond milk easily myself, or buy meat in quantity without freezing it. But almost of the foods I eat regularly have less than 5 ingredients if prepackaged. And I am learning to cook because of it too!

  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    ( I am new, so don't listen to anything I say with any sort of reliability )

    I do not eat margarine or Splenda because I feel they are too processed. Whole wheat is okay with me, rather than anything white bread. Oatmeal in a packet is something I would avoid because it is mostly sugar / flavouring .
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    ( I am new, so don't listen to anything I say with any sort of reliability )

    I do not eat margarine or Splenda because I feel they are too processed. Whole wheat is okay with me, rather than anything white bread. Oatmeal in a packet is something I would avoid because it is mostly sugar / flavouring .

    are we sure it's not mostly oats with sugar/flavoring added in? that way it, you know ... tastes good. and I am just not going to stick on any kind of eating plan where I hate the taste of my food.

    anywho, bob harper's throwing his weight behind the stuff. and, yes, I know they give him money to do so. but, still. the dude's ripped and he's got a reputation that he wouldn't risk on something that is actually going to be bad for you.
  • Mar0414
    Mar0414 Posts: 27 Member
    I was watching a video on some of those items today. Basically it said that those items turn to sugar when you eat them which brings your blood sugar level up which causes you body to produce insulin. And the insulin causes you to store fat. Something along those lines anyway.
  • SoulNeedsBeauty
    SoulNeedsBeauty Posts: 154 Member
    Ditch Splenda and margerine.
  • rachyrach1234
    Splenda was an has chlorine in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    whole wheat and oatmeal turn to sugar in your body
    and margarine is fake flavoring and processed oils.

    thats why.
  • almondgirl00
    There's nothing wrong with wheat unless you're gluten intolerant. And not the sort of gluten intolerant that's diagnosed via a ridiculously priced home test sold over the internet. Oats are a great source of fibre, vitamins and minerals and are cheap. Not everyone afford a kilogram of organic, grass fed steak for breakfast.

    As for margarine and Splenda, well I don't like the taste of margarine so I think it's bad, but that's because I'm picky! There are plenty of spreads out there with plant sterols and 0 trans fats that I think are perfectly healthy and if you enjoy the taste, eat them in moderation. I don't like the taste of artificial sweetener so I wouldn't go near Splenda either, but if sugar free jelly and soft drinks help you lose weight, again, enjoy in moderation!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    whole wheat and oatmeal turn to sugar in your body

    thats why.
    Wow, compelling argument you have there...
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    Why is everyone saying to eat oatmeal in moderation..? I eat it basically every day.

    Basically what I'm getting from this thread is eat nothing.
  • almondgirl00
    Splenda was an has chlorine in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    whole wheat and oatmeal turn to sugar in your body
    and margarine is fake flavoring and processed oils.

    thats why.

    Just think, when you go swimming every single pore in your body is absorbing chlorine. You might even swallow a little. Accidents, mistakes and chance have brought us a lot of interesting and useful things, some great, some not so great.
  • jhyan
    jhyan Posts: 59 Member
    Splenda was an has chlorine in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, but that's just dumb. Salt, which but for a small percentage of the population is safe, is half chlorine (in ion form it's called chloride). In fact, for that ~10% of the population that salt causes high blood pressure in, it's the non chlorine half (sodium) that is the issue.

    Eat what you want, all foods are chemicals, just eat in moderation. A bit of margarine isn't going to kill you (but honestly, why not just eat butter instead, margarine tastes nasty). As long as you don't overdo it you will be fine.
  • almondgirl00
    Why is everyone saying to eat oatmeal in moderation..? I eat it basically every day.

    Basically what I'm getting from this thread is eat nothing.

    Eat it every morning! I lost 30kg eating porridge or homemade muesli for breakfast each day. As long as you stay under your calories feel free to enjoy your porridge.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Why is everyone saying to eat oatmeal in moderation..? I eat it basically every day.

    Basically what I'm getting from this thread is eat nothing.

    correct. you can have water, though. unless it comes from the tap. that has chemicals in it. or from bottles. the plastic puts chemicals in it, too. but otherwise, you're good if you just drink water.
  • BandedTriaRN
    great advice!