Should I increase my calories?

So I want to loose 3-5 kilos (I'm 60 kg and 163cm). I've set my goals to loosing 1 lb a week so I'm eating 1200 calories a day plus any extra I get from exercise (I usually don't eat around 200 of them though).
I've been doing this for a couple months now, though partly on another site and I haven't really lost any weight or noticed a difference in my body shape.

I know people are going to suggest upping my calorie intake but I don't get hungry with only 1200 cals and sometimes I eat even when I'm not hungry so I can get enough calories.
Should I increase my calorie intake any way? Or any other suggestions?

p.s my diary is public if you want to look.


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    so you are 132 lbs now..

    have you lost any weight at all?

    typically when we stop losing weight, its usually many factors. our bodies are dynamic things. hormones, water/fluid retention, stress etc etc all impact weight loss.

    usually what i see, is someone who says they've burned such and such amount, when actually they didnt. so when they eat back, they are really eating over what they should. i dont even count my exercise. for many reasons, i'm not going into. also, after a while your body adapts and becomes efficient and it harder to lose. Especially the smaller you are. i have never stalled..i can only conjecture as to why people do.. i feel its mainly because they are not honest about what they eat or how much and how much they exercise. also, they dont change up their routine.
  • Casssie999
    I did loose about a kilo right when I first started but since then nothing.

    Yeah that's why I try not to eat back about 200 cal from exercising, to act as a kind of buffer. I might try not eating any exercise calories back and see how that goes, I never really burn large amounts anyway.

    If that doesn't work I may just have to accept my body doesn't want to loose any weight, I'm in the healthy range so I want to loose weight for purely appearance reasons.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    How are you tracking your food? Do you measure accurately with proper measuring cups or, better, a scale? Are you comparing your label to the entry? Do you enter everything and i mean everything?
    How are you tracking your exercise calories, do you use a heart rate monitor?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I did loose about a kilo right when I first started but since then nothing.

    Yeah that's why I try not to eat back about 200 cal from exercising, to act as a kind of buffer. I might try not eating any exercise calories back and see how that goes, I never really burn large amounts anyway.

    If that doesn't work I may just have to accept my body doesn't want to loose any weight, I'm in the healthy range so I want to loose weight for purely appearance reasons.

    If you are at a good weight, the last few pounds are notorious for being difficult to take off. You will have to increase exercise.
    I dont really believe that our bodies refuse to lose more weight, I do know they don't make it easy.
    My suggestion would be to incorporate weight training.