Hello Everyone

I'm new to this site. I"ve been doing Jenny Craig since Dec. I"ve lost 26 lbs.
I live in NE. I have 2 girls. one is 20 and the other 18.
Trying to loose weight before graduation. Hope to meet some great
people here and I look forward to chatting with you all.


  • nebraskaavonlady
    I'm new to this site. I"ve been doing Jenny Craig since Dec. I"ve lost 26 lbs.
    I live in NE. I have 2 girls. one is 20 and the other 18.
    Trying to loose weight before graduation. Hope to meet some great
    people here and I look forward to chatting with you all.
  • mpotts18
    mpotts18 Posts: 5 Member

    I'm new also. I teach school and have a three year old. I'm wanting to loose weight to be healthy and before I have another baby. I just found out I have a partial tear in my ACL so working out will be challenging. Any suggestions on things to do that will not impact my knee would be greatly appreciated. I go to the doctor next week to see what course of action I'll have to take. I'm looking to change my eating habits also!! Thanks for helping out!
  • nebraskaavonlady
    i would think something with a swimming pool would be good. Maybe just walking in the water. I have an ab-lounger. That would work also. I'm sure your dr. will have some great ideas for you. Kinda hard to workout with a bad knee.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I just know you will love this site if you don't already, I love it here. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone here is so nice, and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: