Why are people so concerned with what others do at the gym?

I think your energy would be far better spent on your own fitness journey, rather than belittling other people for how they choose to go about theirs. Shaming people about how they choose to work out and writing long lists about the types of people you hate at the gym is both mean and childish. I think the worst type of person is the type that sits back and smugly makes fun of others for not knowing as much about fitness and/or gym etiquette as they do.


  • bigdal77
    Hi thats way i don't go to the gym ido every thing at home i don't know enough and im to shy to ask i suppose i will get over it one day but i will need to go soon as I've got so much lose skin i need to tone up after losing about 16st :)
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member

    I agree. There are a lot of people who are intimidated by the gym environment because of those smug types that you refer to. Personally I've learned to just ignore everyone else but every now and again I see some moron looking at me with a raised eyebrow and shaking their head like they are judging me and I think if I were a less strong-minded person I would probably not come back. I try very hard not to judge other people in the gym even if I think what they are doing isn't a good idea. Who knows - they might be trying to recover from an injury which explains the unusual or seeming-repetitive routine that they have.

  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I don't bother with the gym. I work out at home, and am slowly working on getting my own machines. :)
  • zesss
    zesss Posts: 36
    Hi thats way i don't go to the gym ido every thing at home i don't know enough and im to shy to ask

    That sucks, and this is exactly why it really bothers me when people on this site go on and on about other people at the gym. It's pretty horrible that people like them will stop people like you from wanting to go!
  • mrsvampette
    mrsvampette Posts: 99 Member
    I don't go to the gym either because last time i went i did the stationary bike for 20 mins and the way the gym is set up the bikes look at the treadmills. Well i was listening to my music and glancing around the gym because it was only my second time and I was just looking at the equipment and then I saw some guy pointing at me and laughing because my face was red and I was sweating. Then he nudged the girl next to him and pointed me out to her and they both started laughing at me. Haven't been back to the gym since. I felt really about myself when that happened and I just got up and walked out to my car and started crying. I don't think that people should make fun of anyone for trying to lose weight or workout. That happened a year ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I haven't been to the gym yet but when I drop some pounds I will start going.
  • chazbo35
    chazbo35 Posts: 79 Member
    Sadly enough that sort of stuff goes on in alot of gyms and sure it can be very discouraging to many people. But there's always going to be someone there to come against that which is good so-to-speak. For a beginner at the gym, it can be a very frightening thing. But you just have to make up your mind, put your thick skin on and go for it. I do however think that you shouldn't step foot into the gym without a little bit of instruction. And I do think some of the gyms drop the ball on that. If they are enrolling new people, they should make sure they know what they're doing. But with that said, it gives no one the right to make fun of someone else. I dont know why as people, we cant encorage others more. I know I fail alot at doing that and there have been times I want to say an encouraging word to the person that may be struggling next to me, but I dont want them to think im watching their every move. You have to start somewhere and if your moving your body and putting forth the effort, who cares what people think.
  • zesss
    zesss Posts: 36
    Well, I personally don't care what anyone thinks, but i know how scary it can be and that other people's judgement will affect people going. I don't think that laughing about "types" at the gym on this site helps either.
  • mdailey93
    I agree with you. I think as long as your following gym rules and have common courtesy, then you shouldn't be bothered. If you have enough free time during your workout to criticize other people, you aren't working out hard enough!

    You never know why a person is doing something in there routine, but the truth is they pay for their membership just like everybody else. And you shouldn't call someone names for any reason. No matter how much they annoy you. That's just my opinion though.
  • mp13cat
    mp13cat Posts: 26 Member
    I agree. I can't bring myself to go to the gym alone because I'm so put off by the people around me. At least when I have someone else there with me it makes it easier to ignore everyone else.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    No kidding. Seems everybody is watching everybody else & paranoid that they are being watched.

    So glad I never had that problem.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I must have gawped at a guy in the gym for a good minute the other day! He had his feet in the TRX loops, he was upsidedown and he was doing full on chest presses in a hand stand position! I was awestruck. But I guess that's a different kind of staring.

    I'm not sure what threads you mean though ...?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Obviously you've never had to un-rack twenty 45 pound plates from a plated machine.... Cause if you had, then you wouldn't be saying this.

    There are a lot of people at the gym.. and most are good. There are some though that are absolutely ridiculous, and you wonder how they even made this far in life.

    I'm a good and nice person... 95% of the time. I don't see why it bothers you so much that people do this... if you don't like it, then don't go to the gym or don't read the threads.. that simple.
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    The only people I look at with any kind of disgust are people who don't wipe down their machines. This is gym etiquette they should know... its posted in several places around the gym.

    The others I watch are to get new ideas and to see what the people that have bodies that I probably could only dream of are doing... but I'm guessing that isn't what you mean here.

    Like there is a girl at my gym that takes weights and one of the benches and jumps up and down on it. I have no problem with her jumping on the bench if the gym doesn't, but I did think it looked really hard so I watched.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I've had such a different experience. Over 90% of the time when I go to the gym I don't speak to a single person. Everyone there seems to focus on themselves and their own workout. Maybe it's because I use a Y, not many meatheads or professional lifters. Just regular people trying to get in shape.

    And a lot of times when I hear this I sympathize but I realize it's just excuses from people who don't want to work out. I used to make them too. You think everyone's looking at you and thinking about you... they're not. They're focused on them. That's the beauty of the gym. It's all about you.

    When I started I couldn't swim more than 4 laps in the pool. I had a ridiculous looking bathing suit. I was fat and uncomfortable with myself. But no one ever said a mean word to me. Mostly no one ever said anything. The fear that everyone was looking and laughing at me was all in my head and a way for me to make excuses not to exercise.

    Listen if you want to do this you have to do it for you. You can't derail yourself because of what you think complete strangers might be thinking. Get out there and get moving and you'll feel better, look better and stop worrying so much about what others think. Best of luck to everyone.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    that's ironic you wrote this - i just read a post about types of people at the gym and cracked up laughing. made my day! i just think sometimes we need a little comic relief. he wasn't talking about any one single person, just generalizations that we all see from day-to-day. not sure why this required an entire post?

    oh and PS, my first day at the gym back in august (which was my VERY first day at a gym EVER) i was SO intimidated and i was scared. didn't know how to use any equipment and thought everyone was staring at me. i could have gone home in embarrassment, but instead, i put my head in the game and WORKED OUT. i might be on some list of the stupidist looking women in the gym, but i have lost 27 lbs and i look AMAZING! don't worry about what anyone thinks!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Very few people at the gym bother me - in fact I barely notice them to be honest.

    But - if I see someone drip sweat all over something and not wipe then it's gross.

    And not putting your weights back is just downright lazy and inconsiderate.

    If people are doing anything else that doesn't impact me or other members directly than who cares???

    I also go to the gym made up from my day. Then I proceed to sweat my butt off. I'm not going to go home and wash my face off first so catty people won't judge me.

    Don't avoid the gym because of what other people think. You aren't doing it for them right?
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    No one really ever says anything at my gym. However, when people are impacting the workout time/space of others I think that there is a right to complain. I mean when someone with too much perfume jumps on the treadmill next to me I have trouble breathing. I think it's also something to do. I know that most of us wouldn't say anything to anyone at the gym, but it is fun to people watch and there are certain types of people who appear over and over again. Why is it that people seem to be so scared at the gym? People who are perfectly able to function in society seem to have a strange aversion to the gym because they think others will make fun of them. I see it as nothing but an excuse not to workout.....people will laugh at me....so what? People laugh at you all the time. Does that mean you should lock yourself up in the house? Probably not. There are so many more important things to worry about.
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    I go to an all womans gym, I don't think I would EVER walk into a men/women gym FOR the reason of people watching the way they do////my gym.... I don't find it intimidating, I just LOVE to go by MYSELF and work as hard as I can for the time I have there, I have yet to encounter a rude person, most everyone flashes a smile... says hi... and continues on with their workouts ;) only thing I DO noticeis when people don't wipe down machines, it really grosses me out.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    only thing I DO noticeis when people don't wipe down machines, it really grosses me out.

    yes i agree, this is a big pet peeve of mine. in fact, i wipe down all machines BEFORE and AFTER i use them. i got strep throat from the gym right before xmas. so now i won't touch anything in there w/o wiping it with sanitizer first!
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    The reason I focus on what other people are doing is for safety reasons. I've had my shoulder give out during a bench press (nice loud pop), and if the 3 or 4 people in the gym weren't paying attention I could have been severely injured. Also, if you look like you're paying attention, you'll be asked for a spot and that's usually reciprocated.

    I can honestly say, in the years I've gone to the gym (on and off...more off than on lately), I've never heard anyone make fun of anyone. I've seen some looks, and I've made a few too, but for the most part people are polite. Now I've gotten onto people about not racking their weights or not wiping down the equipment, but that's basic gym etiquette. I've also helped and seen others help a barbell off the chest of a guy who didn't check his ego at the door.
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