Goodbye fat, hello wrinkles :-(



  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    SAGGING JOWLS!!!! I hate mine!

    I started about a week and half ago doing the AEIOU exercise. And honestly, I can already feel a difference. And can see a slight difference. So, I am going to keep it up and see what happens.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Drink a lot of water.
  • hsavas
    hsavas Posts: 14 Member
    there's an old saying, "you choose your *kitten* or your face"... it's true. you're still beautiful. just showing the hard work you're doing to be healthy. be proud.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Drink water, buy and use a toning cream and perform some facial stretches and gradually you'll see it fading away. I've always used a jawline stretch to maintain...well...a jawline, for instance. Just jut your bottom jaw out, tilt your head back as far as it will go, then roll to one side, hold for 5, roll to the other side and repeat as much as you feel is necessary.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I've had laser skin tightening several times. They were all while I was still heavier though. I've also had laser skin peels, as well as lactic acid peels. But I actually look much younger now that I've lost weight. My features were lost in my fat, and my face and neck are the first places I lost.

    I'm in my mid-thirties (on the downslope to 40, eek!), and no matter my weight, I've always fought the aging process. I have a bunch of anti-aging treatments that I do regularly, I've had Botox in my forehead, I get facials, and it was instilled into me at an early age that it is never too early to start nightly lotion on my face.

    I'm not opposed to the idea of plastic surgery, but it's not an affordable option for me.
  • LorryGuthrie
    LorryGuthrie Posts: 113 Member
    exact same problem here...thatnks everyone for the advice!! have some things to try now!
  • rcpayton
    Same problem here under my eyes. Im noticing many more wrinkles when I smile. But I have to smile because I am much happier now with 43lbs gone! So, I made Botox my next reward for 7 more lbs gone....Ive had it done before so I know it will correct this wrinkle situation. :) Try creams with Retinol and Hyalonic Acid (?) to fill in some wrinkles. A makeup primer helps too.

    Im with many of the posters here....Id rather handle the wrinkles than carry too many extra pounds. Best of luck!
  • debcoffman
    Yeah I see it.. lol.
    I began using the coconut oil but not just for eating..
    I took my empty Nivea container and filled it with the coconut oil.
    That is my new skin moisturizer. It leaves my face and hands so soft an supple.
    Time will tell if it also reverses the wrinkles by re-hydrating the skin..
    If you have started using coconut oil begin using it and keep track of any improvements.

    I still love being thin again.. :)
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Yes, I am way older...... but this is what I understand as the main reason for women. There was some twin study way back that showed one twin heavier with a plump smooth face and the other thinner showed a lot more wrinkles. The reason is estrogen. Our bodies as we age (women) try to compensate for draining estrogen (10 year process) by adding weigh around the middle. The fat makes estrogen. If you loose the fat quickly, your skin will not only be looser, but isn't getting the same amount of estrogen. I don't know if it bounces back long term, but I am going to weigh in the fact that I will live a longer healthier life.
  • horsiegall
    Water Water Water! helps definitely i loose a little weight and the wrinkles show more then they tighten , its a cycle!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm not so crazy about the texture of the skin on my face now that I've lost.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I'm there too. :grumble:
  • AlanaViau
    Drink lots of water
    Start taking:
    Grape Seed Extract
    Vitamin E
    Omega 3-6-9

    Massage and moisturise your skin. You can use your same Vitamin E gel pills to moisturise your skin and make it younger and firmer looking.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Google "Jack Lalanne face exercises." Should be a series of them on YouTube. They will help shape up the muscles in your face, and help tighten up the skin. 2 ways to tighten up loose skin, fill the space with muscle, or fill the space with fat.

    Of course, if you lose weight slow enough, skin is elastic, and will have the ability to shrink along with the loss. Loose skin usually means you are losing too fast. Eventually it will catch up, but it take a few years.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Wear them of pride. They are the sign of your battle with fat and your victory. :)
  • cookieanzac
    I am trying out yoga for eyes,hope it helps ;)
  • FBomber76
    FBomber76 Posts: 4 Member
    Exact same thing happened with me. I lost 20 lbs in the last year. Just did the Warrior Dash and then took some new family photos. Was shocked when I saw the photos. Yea, wrinkles all over my face. I look 10 years older. I wanted to cry. I look older than my husband, who is 2 year's older than me. I went from looking 37, to 47. Joy. So glad I worked so hard to get fit (still working on toning and all that) and now I look old. Depressing. So depressing.

    :angry: :cry: :sad: :sick: :grumble: