Serial Snacker!

My names nikki im on here because i love food and snacking all at the wrong times. Iv lost 6lbs so far being on here. Want to meet likeminded people for fun chats.
Hope to hear from you soon.


  • Hi Niki I also am a serious snacker, I found that if you chew gum it helps with the urge to snack at first it is HARD but you can do it.
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    I used to be a serial snacker at my job (desk job) but I found drinking a ton of water (and I mean a TON) helps, also chewing gum does too. It's hard on some days but most days, I don't even have a craving.
  • Thank you for the advice I will try that for sure :smile:
  • I know i need to drink more water. I have found myself drinking quite a bit of diet coke (with a wee bit of vodka in it) whoops!