Anyone 40's and in surgical menopause?

Hello, I am off to a new year and a new ME! I'm already down 6 pounds since starting to eat healthier and going to the gym. I am 45 and looking to be healthier, not just DIETING. :) At 38, I had a complete, total hysterectomy which dramatically changed my ability to lose (and gain) weight. It wasn't easy for me to lose weight before the surgery, and it seems to be incredibly difficult since then. In any event, I went from 140 lbs and a size 10 to 174 lbs and a size 14/16. On the scale today at 168, so my efforts are paying off! Woot! Hoping to turn this ship around this year and win this war with my body! Anyone else here also facing this challenge?

Also, anyone know how I can enter my actual beginning weight so my ticker is accurate? I entered my 168, and then tried to change it to actually read my starting weight of 174....but it's not letting me record my six pound loss. It just starts at either weight at zero lost. Suggestions? Thanks!


  • okidoke
    okidoke Posts: 10
    I'm in the same boat. 44. Surgical menopause. No HRT due to medical reasons. Had the hst three months ago and gaining weight like mad. So here I am. Starting my journey.