Question for ladies



  • kellyh2
    kellyh2 Posts: 64
    I just do some extra exercise do i can eat the things that im craving, if not just be good the rest of the week :-)
  • MrsCupCakeBoyle
    MrsCupCakeBoyle Posts: 259 Member
    Thats me right this second i soo want food and loads of it.
    this weekends going to be hard as i dont to to much so will be stuck in the house with 3 kids. x
  • thop123
    thop123 Posts: 65 Member
    YES! I also crave very salty stuff as well. I feel I usually end up working out more that week in order to give in to some cravings. The next week all I want is chocolate!! Really I get 2 good weeks a month! :P

    Yeah I have the same thing! Its really weird! Hahaha glad I'm not alone.
  • Laura41005
    I am the same way!!! I was craving brownies the other day so bad to the point where I literally thought I was gonna go insane LOL and everytime I thought of them my mouth seriously wanted to drool! But rather than buying a box of them to bake at the store the next day, I decided to grab a box of the Keebler 100 calorie brownie bites snack. Much healthier and way fewer calories! It satisfied my brownie cravings and actually filled my hunger. And they taste amazing!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    hormone changes, most people, women, have that issue, it's normal. if your cycle is regular then you know when to avoid certain things, and try to be more active doing other things besides eating
  • GoldSag1
    GoldSag1 Posts: 122 Member
    Honey you are preaching to the c hoir!!! My hormones are usually in overdrive during that time and my appetite is that of a linebacker! Lately, drinking a ton of water and eating sweets in moderation has helped. Althougth I was craving donuts like crazy the other day I limited myself to 1 (yes 1) Krispy Kreme donut! It completely got rid of my cravings for sweets.
  • GoldSag1
    GoldSag1 Posts: 122 Member
    YES! I also crave very salty stuff as well. I feel I usually end up working out more that week in order to give in to some cravings. The next week all I want is chocolate!! Really I get 2 good weeks a month! :P

    OMG that's me too!!! I use to tell my hubby I only get 2wks out the month to be normal! Now, it's about 3weeks...I'm praying I can continue to push through and have less side effects durning TOM.