Gastric Bypass



  • Hubbafer
    Hubbafer Posts: 81 Member
    Can anyone describe the process of having the surgery? The options?
    Here in Ontario, Slim-Band is advertised heavily.... but I'm not too familiar with it... anyone have it? Risks? Outcomes?
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    ... Just don't ever let yourself get "fat" again. I have seen it over & over again.

    Yes, some people regain weight--whether a little or all of their extra pounds--after surgery, but the same goes for people who lose weight by other means. Would you say "don't get fat again" to someone who didn't have surgery?
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member

    I had Roux-en-y on April 18, 2011!
  • kdavidson08
    kdavidson08 Posts: 10 Member
    I had gastric bypass surgery in August of 2005. Very successful lost 150 lbs. Was able to get off blood pressure pills and for once in my life shop at stores other than Lane Bryant! Since then I have gained back 100lbs. I will tell you the things that I did wrong and why I gained back this amount of weight.

    -Took it for granted and strayed away from the rules about 1 1/2 after surgery
    -Stopped exercising daily
    -Started to drink with my meals
    -Started to eat too many carbs and not as much protein

    My advice is follow the rules always and make sure you stick to them even when you have reached your goal weight. I have been very embarrassed and ashamed of being a failure at this. I sat around and felt depressed and sorry for myself but did nothing about it. I am now convinced that with the help of GOD and my supportive friends and family that I CAN AND I WILL GET MYSELF BACK! I have lost 9 lbs so far and I just began in January.

    Any of you are free to add me as a friend and help encourage me as I work my way back towards regaining my self worth!
  • starrgazerlily
    starrgazerlily Posts: 23 Member
    I had RNY on 1/16/12. Feel free to add me as a friend, but put a note in the request that you are a fellow WLS person.