Do you ever feel like it's not good enough?



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    i envy those who lose more than one pound a month lol. I have been doing this for the last 15 months and by now i should be at a body fat % of 18 but i am still around 23%. I work as hard as anyone else and even harder because of PCOS. It´s not fair but my journey is a solitary one.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I hear where you're coming from. But it sure as hell is "good enough". The people who have lost 100+ lbs are remarkable successes, but don't compare yourself to them; rather, be inspired. Think, "If Joe Schmoe can lose 100 lbs, then I sure as hell can lose 15". The 100+ lbs lost stories are amazing and certainly have more wow factor, but even Joe Schmoe would be happy to see you've hit your goal even if it means 15 lbs rather than 100. Plus, I bet Joe Schmoe would admit that he wishes he never took it that far in the first place. If you're not in a predicament where you need to lose 100 lbs to get to a healthy weight, that's a major advantage right there.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I think it's true what everyone is saying.. and it is all about what size you are comfortable in.

    Someone that has been a plus size most of their life would be ecstatic to go down to a "normal" size, even if its a size 12.
    Someone who has a size 12 their whole life would be ecstatic to go down to a size 6. And so on...

    I think it’s all about what size the individual is happy with.

    I really do have great respect for people that lost over 100lbs and I don’t look down on them for “letting themselves go”. Everyone has reasons for gaining weight.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    As someone who has lost nearly 100 lbs, let me tell you, your story is much more successful than mine, as far as how I see it. Don't get me wrong, I'm damn proud of all the work I've put in and how I was able to turn everything around. I won't ever be ashamed of that.. BUT, you never lost the hope I did to get as big as I did in the first place.

    I am in awe and somewhat envious of people who had the strength to turn things around before things got really out of control, like at 30-40lbs to lose.

    Bottom line is that there is great pride to be had anywhere by anyone who is taking the courage to say, wait, I want a better life and I want to do better and I care about myself and want to be better.
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    As someone who has lost nearly 100 lbs, let me tell you, your story is much more successful than mine, as far as how I see it. Don't get me wrong, I'm damn proud of all the work I've put in and how I was able to turn everything around. I won't ever be ashamed of that.. BUT, you never lost the hope I did to get as big as I did in the first place.

    I am in awe and somewhat envious of people who had the strength to turn things around before things got really out of control, like at 30-40lbs to lose.

    Bottom line is that there is great pride to be had anywhere by anyone who is taking the courage to say, wait, I want a better life and I want to do better and I care about myself and want to be better.

    ^ This. I've lost 70 lbs, but starting at 273 pounds at 5'3, I wish I could have started before I let myself get really out of control. I look and feel better now but I will never be able to have a toned, normal body without surgery. So be proud you took control before it got out of hand!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I wasn't sure where to post this thread, this is my first time creating one on here.

    One issue I come across (not really an issue, just what goes through my head once in a while) is when I read success stories, like from people that started out at 300lbs and then ended up at ..for example, 140lbs or something, I feel like my success is so minor compared to theirs, even though I've struggled with weight my whole life.

    I started at out at 160lbs (at 5'4 it was considered overweight) and over the years I've battled back and forth with this weight, always losing and putting it back on. Finally as I aged I realized how to manage my food better and what staying healthy is really about. I am now around 121 pounds and I've never been this thin my teenage/adult years.

    When I read other peoples stories though (that were morbidly obese), I feel like my success is so minor and I didn't go through such a big journey like they did.

    I'm not really sure where I'm going with this.. but all of the people that started our "smaller", do you ever feel this way?

    Success is an individual measure. For someone larger with more to lose a 150 lb loss is huge! But for someone that was only 160 like in your case nearly 40 lbs is stil huge! Not many people can say they have lost 40lbs, so be proud of yourself because you are succesful! Anyone that can make a change and stick to it is an inspiration! Congrats!!
  • kristal_1973
    kristal_1973 Posts: 33 Member
    It depends on how you define success. I'm 35 yrs old and, like you, I'm about 5'4". I've struggled with weight my whole life as well. In high school my max weight was 190lbs. My junior year, I dropped 45lbs and maintained that for about two years. Long story short, my weight went up and down for the next 17years, and every time I gained weight back, I ended up 10-20lbs heavier than I was before. In November of 2010 I topped out at 297lbs. It's taken me since May of 2011 to lose 45lbs. And believe me, I've been busting my hump for that little bit of success...just ask anyone who works at my gym. Your success comes from never letting yourself get any heavier than 160lbs to begin with, and everyday you maintain your current healthy weight/lifestyle is a successful day. Instead of feeling down because you didn't lose 130lbs, be grateful that you never had to go through that in the first place. If you still struggle with it, I encourage you to find a way to carry around 130 extra lbs. (even during your workout routine) for just one day. That might give you a very small idea of what it's been like to be me and the countless others who are fighting the same battle. Trust me, it's NOT fun.

    Very well said.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    Your success IS A BIG DEAL!!! I started this journey at 308. I only wish I had stopped myself at 200, 170 or so and started this journey.

    I had that feeling once at a WW meeting. Someone stood up because they had made it to goal and they had lost 37lbs. I clapped and was happy for them, but then I thought 37lbs, big deal. But I can honestly say before I had left that meeting that night I realized......IT WAS A BIG DEAL AND A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!!

    I will NEVER belittle any loss someone achieves, each pound loss should be celebrated.

    You were able to recognize you needed to make a change and did just that sooner than me! =)

    Shout it from the rooftops, be loud, be proud!!!!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I think it's true what everyone is saying.. and it is all about what size you are comfortable in.

    Someone that has been a plus size most of their life would be ecstatic to go down to a "normal" size, even if its a size 12.
    Someone who has a size 12 their whole life would be ecstatic to go down to a size 6. And so on...

    I think it’s all about what size the individual is happy with.

    I really do have great respect for people that lost over 100lbs and I don’t look down on them for “letting themselves go”. Everyone has reasons for gaining weight.

    Great post, start to finish.

    I think you answered your own question in this post right here. Just because you "only" had a couple dress sizes to lose, and I want to lose a whole person, doesn't negate your accomplishment by any means. I might be jealous of the fact that your starting weight probably equals my goal weight right now, but I still applaud you on your success.

    I get what you mean though, seeing *I lost 100 lbs* does look more "impressive" than *I lost 27lbs* at a glance. But as someone else said, if you look at % of body fat lost it might not be that different.

  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    And just for the record, I would be willing to drop kick a kitten to have the body in your profile pic. :wink:
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    And just for the record, I would be willing to drop kick a kitten to have the body in your profile pic. :wink:

    LOL This! ^

    (me too btw, you're smokin' girl!)
  • tboothgenthe
    Sometimes I'm like - ok I've been at this for 3 weeks and have lost 1 pound!! And I feel like I ust not be trying hard enough because of the people that can drop 100 pounds in like a year and I can't drop 20!