HELP!!! - Looking like a pregnant lady

Hello all!! So I'm not a newbie to MFP but I did take a year hiatus. I started my diet and exercise plan about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and dropped 5 lbs the first week, now I've been stuck at 187 for a week and a half! :-( I started Dr. Ann Louise's Fat Flush plan three days ago and added an Organic Cleanse I picked up at Whole Foods; I just wanted to kick start my metabolism and weight loss. I have been following the diet to a T! On my 3rd Day...I'm extremely bloated and just uncomfortable in my own skin!! I tried taking magnesium to flush everything out but nothing is working. If nothing happens between today and tomorrow...I'm going to do the dreaded Salt Water Flush! Do you guys have any suggestions?! I'm questioning why I gave up my fried Seafood and Alcohol...because I definitely wasn't this miserable before!!!


  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    If it's making you uncomfortabl and unhappy, I say STOP with the flush! Just drink tons of water and eat healthy and incorporate exercise into your daily routine! It's not the fast way to lose weight, but it is the reliable way :smile: You can do it, girl!!!