Help!! Im stress eating.....

Any stress eaters on here or ex-stress eaters???

I am in like my last few semesters in the teaching program at my school and this semester I am doing 18hrs, which I have never did before. I also have application to turn in and like 2 or 3 licensing exams to take before the end of the summer. I have never been very good with stress and usually end up by the end of the day eating bad stuff like a big fat juicy hamburger or some candy. The minute I eat any of those things I just feel so much better and I know thats really bad.

Does anyone else deal with this?

Or has anyone dealt with it in the past and found some good ways to get past eat with out eating all the bad food.

Thanks in advance for the advice:smile:


  • enlightening
    enlightening Posts: 20 Member
    I have been a stress eater/binger for more years than I'm willing to admit. Don't beat yourself up. You're in a real hard place in your life at the moment, but it is temporary. It won't last forever. Fretting over making fattening choices in the evening after a rough day will only make you have one more thing in your stressor list. Having said that, practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes habit! So get yourself ready, prepare your home with what you need to be successful, and cut out this practice before you have done it for years and you make it a serious, hard to break habit. Again, though, do not beat yourself up. You'll be ready when you are ready.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Are you able to track your food intake for 2 weeks? Just logging in everything you eat can help you tweak your diet and then you can KNOW when you have to eat to head off the binges. Sort of treat it like a "doctor's prescription".

    Binging can also be from a lack of sleep. It is how you make up for it. If you are not sleeping 6-8hrs a night you have to take in more calories to stay awake.

    With me it is boredom because I am at home. So I had to stop buying it. I don't have junk food in my house. Don't buy anymore candy. Treat it like a pack of smokes, lol.

    Read up on what you are eating, log it in and then try and find a healthier alternative. Like instead of a burger order a grill chicken, stuff like that.

    Good Luck!
  • nicolebunny55
    Thanks for that info. I had no idea when you dont get enough sleep you need more food to stay awake.