I need help!!!

This post is two-fold. I have a very sedentary job that I am at 40 hours a week. I pack my breakfast and lunch and make sure I only pack the amount of calories and I am allowing myself a day so that I am not tempted to eat more. While I do not feel that hungry and I do feel that the amount of food I am eating is satisfying, I do find that I want to eat out of boredom. I work in Utilization Management for a hospital so I am either on the phone or doing computer work. I find myself reaching for food because it's comforting. How do I stop this? I need a trick or something to keep my mind off of food. The second part to this is that I broke my foot 3 weeks ago so I have not been able to work out and I can't get up and take a walk when boredom strikes because i have to stay off my foot. I am losing weight with just diet alone but am discouraged because I could be losing so much more if I could just work out or at the very least be more active. I literally sit all day at work then go home and sit on the couch with my foot elevated. Does anyone know of a way to work out with a broken foot? I do not have access to a pool so that option is out.


  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    I'm not sure about working out with a broken foot (maybe google upper body cardio workouts?). But I tend to eat when I'm bored too! I've been trying to sip on juice or chocolate milk (I have a sweet tooth lol) and I know there's still calories and whatnot, but it's better than over snacking. Or I pick up a book and read- as long as I'm very interested in the book it gets my mind off snacking. Or try to find a hobby that involves your hands.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I completely feel your pain on this! Finding something to do that involves your hands when the urge hits at home is the best idea. For example, for years I cross-stitched while watching TV. I couldn't snack because my hands needed to be clean. Knitting or something similar would also work. The benefits are two-fold since you're making something useful while not allowing yourself to snack.

    At work it's tougher. As I'm thinking about this, I'm realizing that I really don't get the urge much anymore but I used to all the time. For me, I think it's because I've really focused on a lower carb diet so there aren't a lot of munchy things I'd eat sitting at my desk. The vending machine is out of the question. :laugh: What I used to do to combat it was to allow myself to give in, but to make sure what I was munching on was really low calorie and good for me. Dry, unsweetened breakfast cereal (Kix, Cheerios, etc.) eaten slowly will last a long time and satisfy the urge. So will air popped popcorn, baby carrots, celery sticks, sugar snap peas, etc. I would pack single servings in ziploc baggies of these kinds of things and store them in a desk drawer.

    I think that as long as you make sure you have the calories available, you pre-measure what you're going to snack on so you don't go overboard and you keep it something relatively healthy that there's no real harm to giving in to the urge every once in awhile.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    First off, for the reaching for food question, what about keeping a bag of mini carrots at your desk? Or peppers cut into strips? Non-buttered popcorn? All low calorie things that you could have to snack on if you can't find something else to take your mind off of it.

    As for the injury, I broke my foot (four bones in mine.. ouch!) a few years back. Same time I lost 50lbs. I went out and got a cheap stationary bike and used that. Depending on where you live you can find them pretty cheap. I bought mine at Canadian Tire for $50. This time of year there are always sales on that kind of stuff. With proper support on my foot I was able to work out on that without further injuring my foot (and with no pain) and than lifted free weights while watching TV. I didn't have a cast on my foot when I broke it (some Doctors aren't very smart lol!) so I put a tenser bandage around it, sock than a shoe. I was also able to do ab workouts. Might be an option for you.

    How's youre balance? Can you sit on a workout ball while at your desk? This can help your core muscles and it doesn't take too much effort. Even if it's for a bit of time each day.
  • mung222
    mung222 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks! All great suggestions and I will try them. As for the balance ball at my desk, I think that is a really good Idea. I'll try it!!
  • ESP12
    ESP12 Posts: 118 Member
    WOW, people are so on the ball with this one. Everyone already came up with all the 'great ideas' that popped in my head while reading your original plea -all within 1 hour!
    That's what I like about this community, everyone is on the same journey and soooo supportive. Well done, everyone! I even gleaned some ideas of what to do when I'm tempted to get too sedentary myself ( and I have no injuries at the moment, just achy knees from the 30-day-shred challenge here at MFP)