any suggestions for motivation for slackers?

i have a HUGGE problem, with staying with any program. you name it, i've tried it. the bottom line is, if i don't feel like doing something...i just don't do it. well, you can see where that's gotten me...anyway, to try to break the habit, i started telling myself..."I know I don't want to _____, but I'm going to do _____ anyway" For example, I really didn't want to track. But I told myself: I know I don't want to track, but I'm going to track anyway. I really hope this works for me, because I don't know what to do. Feel free to offer suggestions. :smile:


  • jsmith0644
    jsmith0644 Posts: 66 Member
    You just have to want it. Do it when it impacts you the least. Start with the easiest part, the tracking is the easiest part. Most of us eat the same things over and over again with little variations, which is probably not the greatest for us. Once you see it in paper (so to speak) then tweak it. I consider that to be the fun part, this is where we get to find healthy and tasty substitutes. It's where I discovered that tofu does NOT taste like it sounds. Once these first two become habitual (they will if you want it) the details shake themselves out. Caution: if you fail to get these right away, you're still a wonderful human being, don't let your head or any outside sources tell you otherwise. Generally speaking, you can't do it all at once, just pick a target. Oh and the exercise bug will hit you once you see the pounds start falling away. The mirror will be your motivation.
  • megaron01
    megaron01 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been exactly where you are right now & I'll tell ya that you'll start doing it when you're mentally ready to start this journey. It's your burden to bear & only you can make that change cuz no one else is gonna do it for ya. Personally, I gave myself too many excuses not to do something, whether it be happy hour drinks every weekend, unhealthy meals/eating out all the time or some weak reason why I couldn't make it to the gym. I've always known what had to be done but I had chosen to stick my head in the sand & ignore the fact that I was gettin' bigger, heavier & unhealthier.

    At the start of this year, I have chosen to do what I know I have to do to change my lifestyle. I'm tryin' my hardest everyday to have decent meals & hitting the gym because that's what I have to do to lose this weight. No excuses & no regrets.

    You'll find your way if you really want your life to change. You can do it too!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I started with tracking. Then reading all that I could on these forums. It took me two months to actually get off the couch and start moving.
  • I completely know how you feel. I lack the motivation to exercise. I'm like you....if I don't feel like doing it I just dont! I've found slight motivation the last few days since the pounds are starting to come off, but not from exercise. I am working full time right now so it's hard to get to the gym but i've got to make the time. It's going to be my me time. I started MFP a while back but then just lost interest. I found the motivation again when I got engaged. That lasted for a few days then it was gone again. I logged back on to MFP and have found great support, the pounds are slowly coming off so now it's time to add the gym/exercise in. It has also helped that now I have support and they are posting on my food logs that keeps me wanting to do well. I do not want anyone seeing that I have gone over my calorie goal for the day....that in and of its self is a bit of motivation. Take it one day at a time! You will begin to see the results. Add me as a friend. We will encourage each other!
  • wantasmallbummum
    wantasmallbummum Posts: 45 Member
    Know exactly what you mean. I've just rejoined mfp because I wasn't getting anywhere on my own. I write down plans, on this day I will do some exercise, I'll start walking the dog, I;ll track. Then when it gets to the day I say....oops! I think we just have to take the blame and put ourselves out. I hope this new start (again) will do the trick. Let me know how you do.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I've only been working towards healthy for two weeks, but I've done the entire " eat better, lose more weight " thing a few times. I think it is easier this time because I want it. I want it BAD. I want it more than anything else.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    i have a HUGGE problem, with staying with any program. you name it, i've tried it. the bottom line is, if i don't feel like doing something...i just don't do it. well, you can see where that's gotten me...anyway, to try to break the habit, i started telling myself..."I know I don't want to _____, but I'm going to do _____ anyway" For example, I really didn't want to track. But I told myself: I know I don't want to track, but I'm going to track anyway. I really hope this works for me, because I don't know what to do. Feel free to offer suggestions. :smile:

    Everyday stand in-front of a mirror naked or in your undies and look at your problem areas for a minute. Not only will you see what you don't like about yourself but you'll ALSO see the progress that you're making from a good diet plan and exercise. You get both Positive Reinforcement and motivation to keep it going. You don't even need a scale. :)
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I have a hard time getting motivated to exercise. I do great with food and logging, etc . Getting to the gym, even working out at home is tough. The thing I do is finish the sentence you started. I don't want to _____, but I will____________, because I want_________.
    Whether your goal is to be healthy or look hot, lose weigh or tone up; we are all here for a primary reason. You HAVE to state the reason to yourself to remind yourself of your motivation for doing it. Just saying "I need to or "I will" doesn't seem to be enough. That being said....I need to get to the gym right now, because I want to lose 100 pounds and become more physically fit by the end of the year. Bye!
  • For me, honesty is of the utmost importance. Thus, once I say I am going to do something I carry it through. That got me started. Once I saw results and started feeling half of my age, that keeps me going. I have a picture of the "old me" in my office/weight room. Whenever I feel lazy, I remind myself of where that got me in the past. I think of how I enjoy running and playing football with my teenage boys (they get tired long before I do now). When it comes time to run and lift, I think about where I still want to be. Before I get to rambling, those of some of the things I do to keep going.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I'm bad at getting motivated too but once I get into a routine I stick with it and feel bad if I miss a day. Like others have said, keeping track of food is the easy part and once I got into a routine with that I'm obsessed with doing it now, I log on here at least 5 times a day. With working out, I started off small, 3 x a week 1/2 an hour of walking/running. Now I'm up to about 6 days a week and if I don't go I feel bad and sometimes even look forward to it!!! But if I get out of my routine its hard to start back. I sprained my ankle and didn't exercise for 2 weeks and felt terrible! But today was my first day back running and it feels good :) Just start doing it, develop a routine and it'll become easier with time :) Good luck! And you know everyone on here will support you and help motivate you!