

  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 100
    On average I have about 5/6 servings a day if a banana counts as two servings.To be honest not only do I like fruit but it is so convenient and portable so I grab or blend some up a few times a day. I never watch my sugar intake in general, I just assumed that was covered by my carb counter. Thanks for all the responses. I actually feel fine with my consumption after reading the feed back. I'll tell ol' trainer to stick an apple in his pie whole.

    BTW: I also eat plenty of veggies and try to get my protein etc. I don't eat fruit instead of other foods. I eat everything. Well, except meat.
  • MarlaChandlerBarton
    MarlaChandlerBarton Posts: 141 Member
    To go along with your fruit/sugar intake question:

    So, I eat a lot of fruit as well. I'm over by breakfast on my sugar intake for that reason. You can put up your sugar counts in your diary and keep count of that. I could be wrong but I figure I eat most of the time95% super healthy and included in there is my fresh fruit. Isn't it calories in calories out otherwise? If you keep your calorie count to the goals set here at MFP, does it matter if you are over a bit on the sugar count or fat count if you are not diabetic? Am I being clear? Anyone know?

    That sounds right :) but too much of anything even if it's within the calorie range is not good. So she could very well be within her calorie range but be consuming double/triple/quadruple the suggested daily intake of sugar and that would definitely be hazardous to her health. Everything in moderation :)
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    I recently joined a gym and was having a conversation with the fitness trainer about what I eat. He thinks I eat too much sugar because I eat a lot of fruit. I think it's fine because fruit has nutrients,fiber, water etc that I think are beneficial. It's not the first time I have had comments on my fruit intake. Will this hinder fat loss? Any opinions? Just curious.

    Only if you eat enough fruit to go over your calorie limit will it hinder fat loss.
  • tinyrah
    tinyrah Posts: 32 Member
    I eat a ton of fruit and I still lost a ton of weight. I didn't become overweight by eating too much fruit, that's for sure!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I love seasonal summer fruit. It is sooo yummy! And I've got all kinds of free time during the summer to chop it up for me and my little boy. So, we probably go a little nuts with the fruit but we'll simmer down once school starts.

    I'm pretty sure my problems aren't from binging on blueberries.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    .... I'll tell ol' trainer to stick an apple in his pie whole.
