Easier When You're Single?

Just taking a poll here...
I feel like in the past, when I was single, it was much easier to eat healthy and be dedicated to my workouts. Now, I am dedicated to my workouts, but when you're eating with someone else, it's much more difficult to eat healthy. My husband and I are on the same diet and exercise program, competing against each other (in a biggest loser kind of way), but we still eat our meals together, and are bad influences on each other's cravings. When I was single, I could eat a salad, and a piece of chicken, and be fine...I can't bring myself to be on such a strict diet with my hubby. Is it just me?


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    OMG no, it is not just you!! I definitely found it easier to stay thin when I was single. Not only did I eat only when and what I wanted, but I had more free time to exercise. I eat much more meat than I used to because my husband like meat more than I do. I always have "dinner" now, but when I was single if I wasn't all that hungry I might only have a bowl of cereal, some popcorn and fruite or some chips and salsa.
  • GigiBee824
    GigiBee824 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm the same. When I was single I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted. Now, I really only do that at when I am at work during the week. The rest of the time I have to negotiate with my boyfriend about what is healthy enough for me to have but also satisfying for him. I eat a TON more protein because of him - not a bad thing. And I do find it easier to exercise since I have someone there to do it with me and hold me accountable, so it's a give and take.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I actually fine the opposite to be true for me. Now that I'm married and have two young children, they have motivated me to stick with my lifestyle change and weight loss goals. :smile: It's not only for me, but it's for my family now. My husband has never had trouble with his weight, but I do most of the cooking so he just eats whatever I make and actually tells me all the time he loves the new things I'm making (little does he know it's low fat/calories). If he wants chips/beer/candy he has to go out and buy them and he knows to put them in his part of the pantry and so far (as of 11/1/11) I haven't been tempted in the least.