me increase calories

I need CLEAN suggestions for increasing my calorie intake. I don't need more fat or carbs and I eat very little meat! I appreciate any and all suggestions.


  • Clarkjn11
    I am the same way...I cannot get over 1,000 calories eating good food. Even when I add a little junk food here and there I am still under my goal. I don't really mind since I am losing weight and I'm not feeling bad.
  • Shannonnn92
    Shannonnn92 Posts: 86 Member
    I wish I could help, I'm a vegetarian and I try to always eat clean and I've had a VERY hard time trying to meet my calorie goal which is only 1200, especially when I add in exercise.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Try nuts, nut butters, avacado, Greek yogurt-- those foods have some fat but they're good fats and will help with meeting your goal. Oh, and legumes are good too for filling in some of those gaps.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    nothing wrong with some fat, as long as its "good fat".
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Thanks...I guess I'm just to caught up on the TOTAL FAT...I could totally go for some nuts! I guess I need to break down my fats so i can see it better!
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I need CLEAN suggestions for increasing my calorie intake. I don't need more fat or carbs and I eat very little meat! I appreciate any and all suggestions.

    Same issue here and was just about to start a topic on it....I've logged in for 5 days straight now and can't seem to reach my NET calories goal - even on days I don't work out. However, I feel like I'm eating all the time! I'm making more conscious choices of what I'm eating so think that's why I have trouble meeting the goal. For example, for snack instead of crackers, I'm opting for an apple with pnut butter. Plus I'm drinking my 8 glasses of water a day which gives me that full feeling. By the time I've had supper at night, I don't feel hungry so don't want to eat "just to fill calories". I haven't weighed myself yet but concerned this will affect me since everything on here says eat your calories! Plus I only want to lose 10 lbs so I'm not going to see big weight loss weeks as it is.
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    raeolliemama - sent you an email with some specific suggestions based on your diary (per your request :smile: ).

    Everyone else - try just slowly increasing your calorie intake by 150-200 calories every 3 days until you get up to where you need to be. Eat every 3 hours. It's much easier for me to get my calories in if I spread them out throughout the day - I eat 1900 calories every day, so it can be done! The suggestions I sent to raeolliemama are various protein sources. I'd be happy to forward those recommendations on to anyone else who's interested.

    I've been logging my meals since the beginning of the week if you want to take a look at my diary - it's open for anyone to look at.

    As for nuts - some are better than others. Top 3 choices are almonds, cashews, and pistachios. Still can't go overboard with them, but because they're packed with protein they'll stay with you much longer than crackers or chips will.

    Hope that helps!

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You don't want fat, carbs or meat?....... Tofu?