Turbo Fire


Has anyone done Turbo Fire and did you like it? I just bought it for myself, it was a hard decision between P90X, Insanity, and Turbo Fire. P90X seemed super challenging and maybe too extreme...


  • ultraviolet79
    ultraviolet79 Posts: 4 Member
    I love Turbo Fire! I haven't tried Insanity or P90x, so I can't really compare, but I have to say that the Turbo Fire workouts are ones I keep coming back to for a good cardio burn (I don't follow the schedule, I just mix them in with my other workouts). It took a few times through to get the hang of the moves, but don't get discouraged. Just keep moving and you'll get it.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I've done all three of the workouts that you have mentioned. You probably made the best choice by going with TurboFire.

    -moderate length workouts (30-60 minutes)
    -Great cardio workouts that can be easily modified
    -Easy to learn moves
    -Good music
    -Enjoyable and motivating instructor
    -Good beginner weight/band workout that can be easily modified by adding heavier free weights or stronger resistance bands
    -Overall it is a FUN workout

    -Great cardio workouts
    -Moderate length workouts (average 45-55 minutes)
    -Easy to learn moves
    -Moves can be modified but overall it is tough on the joints due to all of the plyometrics/jumping
    -Enjoyable and motivating instructor (good looking too)
    -Terrible music
    -It is a tough workout, but you always feel good if you manage to get through it

    -Great weight workouts
    -Long workouts (average 70-90 minutes)
    -Easy to learn moves with easy modifications
    -You can use as much or as little weight as you would like
    -The cardio workouts have easy moves but they are not as enjoyable as TurboFire or as hardcore as Insanity (P90X has my least favorite cardio workouts.)
    -Instructor can be annoying at times
    -Terrible music

    All three of the workouts are great and you will get results no matter which one you choose. You really can't go wrong. I found it best doing a hybrid of TurboFire and P90X. I did TurboFire for cardio and P90X for weights.

    best of luck with TurboFire! You'll LOVE it!
  • Love TurboFire! I've been mixing these workouts along with Chalean Extreme (a weight program similar to p90x but by the same person as TurboFire) and I love them both. Turbofire burns a ton of calories, you sweat a lot and it's a lot of fun.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    I love Turbo Fire! I am on week 16 of the advance dvd now! Its a great fun workout!
  • ebonyrose316266
    ebonyrose316266 Posts: 48 Member
    I really liked turbo fire it was so much fun. You can mix it up and do hybrid workouts if you can't decide. P90x is probably the best for strengthening and toning but Turbo Fire and Insanity have better cardio workouts and they're shorter.
    Good Luck!