
I'm finding I'm always way over on my sugar. This is a result of eating grapes, apple and honeydew melon.

Is this really a problem as my target was 31 and today I'm up at 61?


  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    The over all consensus around here is that as long as it is coming from fruit and not refined sugar product, it is okay.

    I am over every day from eating fruit and I am not going to give that up.
  • chipembele
    chipembele Posts: 54 Member
    That's good then. I thought I was doing really well only to then discover perhaps not so.

    Thanks for your reply :)
  • AMaro215
    AMaro215 Posts: 78 Member
    I was actually wondering the same thing too. I have been eating grapes every day this week and I am always going over my sugar because of it. Its hard to keep the sugar down when most fruit contains it