The last and only 10 lbs!

Hi all,

I'm a newbie and have only been using MFP for a week but have been making a good effort to exercise and eat healthy foods for about a month and a half now. I'm fortunate to say I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I am looking to lose 10 lbs because I am getting married this summer. I am currently 131 lbs at 5' 4". I do vigorous strength training with a trainer once a week and do cardio on my own 2 times a week as well, burning I'd say a couple hundred cals at a time. I'm what you'd call an athletic build (like a gymnast) but I just have some fat to get rid of.

Anyway to meet my goal, I was recommended to eat 1200 cals a day. In perusing this board, I see some people commenting that 1200 is not enough. I wouldn't say I'm starving to death on that amount, but I'm not sure if it's enough. I've also hit 26 years old this year and just feel like my metabolism is plummeting. I haven't lost a single pound in this span of time and I've been pretty good and doing more activity than ever. I've never been more healthy in my life. I can't understand why my weight won't budge like it has in the past. I don't know if I should blame metabolism, blame the fact that I'm trying to get off the stubborn 10 pounds and it's going to be very difficult and a long haul (I've never been overweight), or maybe I'm not getting enough cals. Or maybe I'm just too darn impatient. So I guess this post is a bit of a technically question as well as a need for support. I can open up my diary if need be but I've only been tracking for a week (but have changed my way of life for about 1.5 months now). Tips and advice much appreciated!



  • Kimmy430
    Kimmy430 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! We are very similar in our goals. I am also 5'4, 26 and currently at 128lbs ( I was 130lbs). I got married 3 years ago at 120 lbs so I would like to lose about 10 more.
    Looking at your workout schedule, I would personally reccommend doing cardio AT LEAST 3 times a week. I am currently doing cardio 4-5 times a week along with strength training 3 times a week and the weight is taking its time coming off. I guess thats why they say the last 10 lbs are the hardest. :ohwell: I also am eating around 1,200 calories a day. I know some people say that is not enough but It really depends on the person and what kind of foods you are eating. I eat a whole foods, mostly plant-based diet and feel full. So I really don't need to eat more that 1,200 calories a day. But thats just me.
    Cardio is what is going to help burn the fat the fastest. Up your cardio and see what happens :smile:

    Good Luck!
  • mfoutch86
    mfoutch86 Posts: 87
    Whoa, did you hack into my account and write this for me? The only difference is that I'm getting married in Oct! For some reason turning 26 seemed to flip a switch on my metabolism to OFF! Staying the exact same weight for months and months despite 4-6 workouts per week and counting calories. I am 128 lbs (as of today!) and I am hell bent on being 115 on my wedding day. I'm getting desperate for the scale to move. I've never been overweight exactly, but I refuse to look back at my wedding pictures and say " I wish I had tried harder to be in shape"!
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    i'm in the same boat. can't wait to hear the responses. i lift 3x a week and cardio all the other days. i heard that setting your goal to lose 1 lb a week is too much with this little to lose so i changed it to 1/2 lb a week which puts me at 1420 calories. i'm looking better and better but i'm only 5'1" so 143 is alot... if i get to 132 i'll be a "healthy" bmi
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Last 10 lbs blues. Those are the most stubborn lbs and generally it takes a lot longer to ditch 'em.

    But you might be gaining muscle mass with your strength training, which is a good thing. If that's what's happening, the scale won't show that you've lost weight but your clothes will be looser and you will probably be looking good. So it may not matter if the scale is showing the progress.

    So... go with other indicators. Measure your inches. Look in the mirror.

    Don't worry. Be happy.
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    I am not sure about metabilism as it looks like people can lose weight at any age if they put their mind to it. Maybe it's muscle gain and yes, it is sort of common knowledge that the last 5-10 pounds are the hardest to lose.
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey! I'm getting married too! Go us :flowerforyou: I agree that upping your cardio is probably you're best bet if you're looking to lose the weight by the end of the summer. Also, eat back some of the calories you burn off. I love lifting! Def keep that going too.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member

    I am 31 and 5'4". I was at 127 pounds in May, and now I am fluctuating between 117-119. I never worked out a day in my life until 3 months ago. I started off slow and I am getting there. Right now, I go to the gym 5-6 days a week (usually 6). I do cardio every other day and strength training on the others. I set daily goals and don't leaved the gym until I have hit a calorie burn goal I set before I go in. My minimum is usually 350 calories, average for me is between 400-500, and a really good day is over 600!

    Ok, don't gasp when I tell you my calorie intake....between 900-980 calories a day (without work outs). If I work out, I eat those calories, hence why I work out almost every day. Why the decision on so little calories? Well, I cut out 500 a day so I can loose one pound a week. I learned that if you are over weight (not obese, even only 10-20 pounds over) then the average intake of calories for your height and age need to be 20% less then predicted. Why? Because your body has adapted to an over average calorie intake from being over weight. The weight of the nation (a documentary I watched) stated: if you take two girls exactly the same, and one never was over weight and the other was, then when they were eventually down to the same weight- predictions would state their calorie intake would be exactly the same. However, the one who never was overweight would actually not gain weight, the one who did would. So it states to take your recommended calorie intake and subtract 20% of what it should be (so 80% of the recommended). After I do that, I subtract my 500 calories and that is what I should eat every day.

    I would also like to point out, I didn't start with such little calories. After every 5-7 pounds lost I re-evaluate my calorie intake to my new weight. MY goal is to cut out 3,500 calories a week. So if I over eat one day I can eat less another, or vice versa. It was hard at first, so little calories!!! But I have figured out what foods work best for me, and I am loosing about a pound a week.

    Once I hit my goal weight (about 110), I am going to bring it back up to about 114-116 and adjust my calories to what they recommend (only 80%) and then I will be eating at a much comfortable calorie intake. I am doing this to discipline myself. To know how hard it was to get down to 110. That way I won't loose control of my diet again :)

    Gosh, I hope this all made sense...and I hope somewhere I answered your question. Anyways, exercise and just eating healthy are going to get you there. I have to push myself harder everyday in the gym. I stay away from sugar and carbs (mostly, I still need some)! I think my food diary is public if you would like to look at it...don't forget some days I eat what I want!!!!

    Good-Luck and congrats on your wedding!!!!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Change your goal to be losing 0.5lb/week and see what calorie count it gives you. 1200 doesn't seem like much if you are doing heavy lifting and are already quite muscular.