
I've been using this site for about 3-4 weeks but I haven't been "trying" until about a week or so ago.

I didn't have a scale in my house, and no full length mirrors for a long time. I recently went home to visit my family for a few days and while I knew I'd gained a lot of weight (I have a front fanny pack of could I not realize) I didn't think I was over 200 and that it was only showing on my stomach. I happened to step on my mom's scale and was really disappointed to see 220lb and that my upper arms sagged.

So, I vowed that I would allow myself to enjoy and eat for the remaining days as everyone else did (not excessively, but would only just record what I ate and not judge myself). I was annoyed at my eating habits and knew that I had to make a difference in my life and lose the weight but had to do it my way.

When I got home, I bought and under the desk bike for my home office and while I don't use it all day I try to get some time on it everyday, and 20 minutes or more when I can. I also knew that if I wanted this to work I had to do it different then before. I couldn't just cut out the chocolate and sweets like I've done in the past. That always lead to a huge issue and I'd choose chocolate over my diet and i'd stop loosing or I'd gain and give up.

I've cut back on my soda and sugar slowly. Now, I don't drink soda (huge step as it's always in the house and I can drink 3 cans a night), just iced tea mix (still not the best but I'm getting there). I also switched out all or my sugar goodies for heresy kisses. I allow myself a serving a day (9 pieces) and spread them out over the period of the day, it's a nice treat for me and allows me to say no to bigger pits falls of mine.. like cakes and ice cream.

I didn't get a scale til last week and when I got on it I was up to 221.8, but I think that was because I'd weighted myself before holiday feasting and then didn't check again til after I'd started the program. I'm back down to 220.4 as of this morning so I'm actually showing progress even if its just making up ground. Progress is progress and I'll take little victories.

This is really long and kind of rambling but.. well.. figured I'd say hi. I'm hoping that I'm able to make this change for the good and loose the weight. I'd love to be 130-145 lbs, but I haven't set an end goal, just little ones. Right now I was to be under 210 and then under 200. The thing says I should be 215 in 5 weeks, but well see. I'm hoping I can be under 190 by thanksgiving 2012 as we are going to Disney with my niece and nephew and I don't want to feel uncomfortable.
