
I am starting a new job next week where I will be waking up at 3 am. I am not a big breakfast person and I know I wont have alot of time to eat in the morning. Is there anything you guys would recomend to make breakfast easier? My first break is at 7 and I am more likely to eat something then (maybe oatmeal). Should I have something though to kick start my day untill then?

Oh and I have a very sensitive stomach so please list a couple of ideas. Thanks!


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    This is entirely personal preference. You can freely skip breakfast provided that you are still capable of reaching your end of day nutritional targets.

    I don't typically eat until several hours after being awake and most of my calories are consumed before bed.
  • staceycamp
    staceycamp Posts: 39 Member
    I have found that boiled eggs help tide me over if you start feeling hungry. I have been eating oatmeal and grits for breakfast. Most instant grits are only 100 calories a pack and they seem to make me feel fuller longer.
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    Carnation instant breakfast is great. It is around $4.00 a box. One box is enough for breakfast for two weeks so it is not a bad deal. If that is not enough special k makes these strawberry yogurt protien bars. They are on the pricey side but they will keep you feeling full for longer and they taste great.
  • lola374
    lola374 Posts: 12 Member
    How about starting your day with some fruit: an apple, orange, a banana?

    Or perhaps some low fat yogurt?

    At your 7 a.m. break, I would definitely consider following up with oatmeal. I've been eating oatmeal with some fruit for breakfast. It holds me over very well until lunchtime.

    Good luck on finding a breakfast meal(s) that work!